I want to display the names of all the trigger send emails present in the account on landing page. A user should be able to select the one name from this list (Like dropdown list). I have tried for below which I am getting only one result but I need for all trigger sends email names present in an account. I am very thankful for solutions ``` %%[ var @ret, @filter, @status, @rr Set @ret = CreateObject("RetrieveRequest") SetObjectProperty(@ret,"ObjectType","TriggeredSendDefinition") AddObjectArrayItem(@ret,"Properties","Name") Set @filter = CreateObject("SimpleFilterPart") SetObjectProperty(@filter,"Property","CustomerKey") SetObjectProperty(@filter,"SimpleOperator","equals") AddObjectArrayItem(@filter,"Value","TSDCUSTOMERKEY") SetObjectProperty(@ret,"Filter",@filter) Set @rr = InvokeRetrieve(@ret, @status) IF rowcount(@rr) > 0 THEN Set @row = row(@rr, 1) Set @TSDName = field(@row,"Name") OutputLine(concat("TSDName: ",@TSDName)) EndIf ]%% ````