im new to visualforce and i have this problem:
I have a sObject with customField1__c, customField2__c, customField3__c.

In my main page (with a standard controller and an extension) i want to display a table in wich i want to see all the customField1__c, customField2__c, customField3__c that are related to my customField1__c.

I'm trying to use a aggregateResult because otherwise i have a lot of duplicates in customField__1, but i have this error: 

> "Invalid field customField__c for SObject AggregateResult Error is in
> expression '{!myQuery.customField1}' in component <apex:outputText> in
> page myQuery"

here is my main page:
        <tr> <th> My table title </th> </tr>
            <td> <b> Field1 </b> </td>
            <td> <b> Fiel2 </b> </td>
            <td> <b> Field3 </b> </td>

        <apex:repeat value="{!myQuery}" var="myQuery">
                <td>  <apex:outputText value="{!myQuery.CustomField1__c}"/> </td>
                <td> <apex:outputText value="{!myQuery.CustomField2__c}"/> </td>
                <td> <apex:outputText value="{!myQuery.CustomField3__c}"/> </td>

Then I have my page Extension:
public with sharing class MyPageExtension {

    public List<AggregateResult> indicatorNotes{get;set;}

    public MyPageExtension(ApexPages.StandardController ctrl) {   

        myQuery=[ SELECT customField1__c, customField2__c, customField3__c
        FROM customObject__c
               GROUP BY customField1__c, customField2__c, customField3__c

thanks in advance