I am trying to do a callout on a button click from my LWC comp using apex Continuations. In the debug log, I see no callout happened. 
But when I do the callout using setTimeout(), then its working fine. Can someone please help me where I am doing wrong? I have used the below code.

    import { LightningElement,track } from 'lwc';
    import startContinuation from '@salesforce/apexContinuation/ContinuationCustom.startContinuation';
    export default class CustomContactScreen extends LightningElement {
            startContinuation().then(result => {      
            .catch(error => {

apex class:

    public with sharing class ContinuationCustom{
        // Test variable used for holding a reference to the Continuation Request
        private static String continuationLabel;
        // Test variable used for holding the value of the Continuation.state attribute
        private static String continuationState;
        // The function that fires the continuation
        @AuraEnabled(continuation=true cacheable=true)
        public static Object startContinuation() {
            // Create the callout Request
            HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
            req.setEndpoint('URL for callout');
            // Create the continuation with a 40s timeout
            Continuation con = new Continuation(40);
            con.ContinuationMethod = 'continuationCallback';
            // Store the reference to the HttRequest and make it accessible for a test-context
            continuationLabel = con.addHttpRequest(req);
            // Store data to be sent to the callback function
            continuationState = 'Some data here...';
            con.state = continuationState;
            return con;
        // The function that processes the continuation callback
        public static Object continuationCallback(List<String> labels, Object state) {
            HttpResponse response = Continuation.getResponse(labels[0]);
            Integer statusCode = response.getStatusCode();
            // TODO: handle the different status codes
            return response.getBody();