I decided to implement a CronHandler that can be constructed from either a cron id, a scheduled job name or a list of configs that allows me to calculate a Last Execution Time based on a couple of premises.

 - For inits with a trigger id (i.e. from SchedulableContext), only one CronTrigger  record is initialized
 - For inits with a list of CronTrigger records or a Job Name (best used with wildcards), all matching records are initialized

The API `DateTime getLastExection()` iterates all configs in the handler and returns the **latest** DateTime value there is. 
A CronConfig can handle the following states and returns accordingly

 1. EXECUTING and no recognized pattern for a recurring job: Returns null 
 2. EXEUCTING and recognized pattern for a recurring job: Returns a calculated previous fire Time based on distance to the next fire time (with a small 10% overlap)
 3. NOT EXECUTING (i.e. WAITING, etc): Returns the internal stored DB value

This is enough to:

 - Evaluate an actual previous fire time directly from SOQL for a series of crons, as long as I have a similar naming schema ('Job #1', 'Job #2', etc)
 - Estimate the last fire time for a single cron as long as the cron is scheduled to run regularily ('0 0 * * * ?', ...)

I would be happy to hear your feedback and suggestions to improve the code.

Here's the class:
 public class CronHandler {

    @testVisible private List<CronConfiguration> CronConfigs;

    public CronHandler(Id cronTriggerId) {
        this([SELECT Id,StartTime,EndTime,PreviousFireTime,NextFireTime,TimesTriggered,CronExpression,State,CronJobDetail.Name FROM CronTrigger WHERE Id = :cronTriggerId]);

    public CronHandler(String jobName) {
        this([SELECT Id,StartTime,EndTime,PreviousFireTime,NextFireTime,TimesTriggered,CronExpression,State,CronJobDetail.Name FROM CronTrigger WHERE CronJobDetail.Name LIKE :jobName]);

    public CronHandler(List<CronTrigger> triggerConfigs) {
        CronConfigs = new List<CronHandler.CronConfiguration>();
        for (CronTrigger ct : triggerConfigs) CronConfigs.add(new CronConfiguration(ct));

    //      simply forwards the size of all internal configs that are known
    public Integer getCronConfigSize() {
        return CronConfigs.size();

    //      Returns the highest value for previous fire time for all configs that are known to the handler
    //      The configs itself dynamically evaluate if they are to a executing or a waiting cron job
    //      And return their actual previous fire time or a calculated estimator
    // RETURN
    //      DateTime: The highest previous fire time of all configs
    public DateTime getLastExecution() {
        List<DateTime> ExecutionDateTimes = new List<DateTime>();
        for (CronHandler.CronConfiguration cc : CronConfigs) ExecutionDateTimes.add(cc.getPreviousFireTime());
        return ExecutionDateTimes.isEmpty() ? null : ExecutionDateTimes.get(ExecutionDateTimes.size() - 1);

    public class CronConfiguration {

        public String CronExpression;
        public String State;
        public String CronDetailName;
        public DateTime PreviousFireTime;
        public DateTime NextFireTime;
        public Integer TimesTriggered;

        // blank constructor to emulate a cron config for testing
        public CronConfiguration() { }

        // load configuration from a CronTrigger record
        public CronConfiguration(CronTrigger ct) {
            CronExpression = ct.CronExpression;
            State = ct.State;
            CronDetailName = ct.CronJobDetail.Name;
            PreviousFireTime = ct.PreviousFireTime;
            NextFireTime = ct.NextFireTime;
            TimesTriggered = ct.TimesTriggered;

        // DESCRIPTION
        //      Returns the best estimator for this CronJob's last execution. If trigger is not executing, returns the actual PreviousFireTime.
        //      Otherwise, calculates the estimated previous fire time based on cron expression and next fire time.
        // RETURN
        //      DateTime: Best guessed previous fire time for the cron config
        public DateTime getPreviousFireTime() {
            if (State != 'EXECUTING') return PreviousFireTime;
            if (matchesRecurringJobExpression(CronExpression)) return DateTime.newInstance(PreviousFireTime.getTime() - getTimeDifference(NextFireTime, PreviousFireTime));
            return null;

        // DESCRIPTION
        //      Calculates the difference in milliseconds between two dateTimes.
        //      The difference is then multiplied by 10%, to account for inaccuracies
        // PARAMETERS
        //      DateTime dtNext: expected to be the higher of both values
        //      DateTime dtPrev: expected to be the lower of both values
        // RETURN
        //      Long: Difference between both datetime values with 10% inaccuracy
        private Long getTimeDifference(DateTime dtNext, DateTime dtPrev) {
            return ((dtNext.getTime() - dtPrev.getTime())*1.1).longValue();

        // DESCRIPTION
        //      Splits the cron expression in its part and validates each list-element individually
        //      Only validates elements where wildards may appear (hour and up) and exists with false
        // RETURN
        //      Boolean: Evaluation, if expression represents a regular recurring job
        private Boolean matchesRecurringJobExpression(String cronExp) {
            List<String> splitExpression = cronExp.split(' ');
            // hours (3rd element): fix numbers or recurring is accepted
            if (!Pattern.matches('[0-9]{1,2}|\\*', splitExpression.get(2))) return false;
            // days of month (4th element): only recurring / arbitrary is accepted
            if (!Pattern.matches('\\*|\\?', splitExpression.get(3))) return false;
            // month (5th element): only recurring is accepted
            if (!Pattern.matches('\\*', splitExpression.get(4))) return false;
            // day of week (6th element): only recurring / arbitrary is accepted
            if (!Pattern.matches('\\*|\\?', splitExpression.get(5))) return false;
            return true;

And here are some tests:
public class T_CronHandler {

    static void initHandlerByName_NoCronConfigurationsExisting_NoConfigsLoaded() {
        CronHandler ch = new CronHandler('Unknown Test Config');
        System.assertEquals(0, ch.getCronConfigSize(), 'Configs have been initiated, but expecting 0');

    static void initHandlerById_NoCronConfigurationsExisting_NoConfigsLoaded() {
        // SETUP
        // this is a syntactically valid cron trigger id that should never exist 
        Id invalidId = '08e4E00000XXXXXXXX';
        CronHandler ch = new CronHandler(invalidId);
        // VERIFY
        System.assertEquals(0, ch.getCronConfigSize(), 'Configs have been initiated, but expecting 0');        

    static void initHandlerByName_SingleCronConfigurationExisting_OneConfigLoaded() {
        // SETUP
        // schedule the Dispatcher_ScheduledSends
        System.schedule('Test Send #1', '0 0 * * * ?', new Dispatcher_ScheduledSends());
        CronHandler ch = new CronHandler('Test Send%');
        // VERIFY
        System.assertEquals(1, ch.getCronConfigSize(), 'Wrong number of cron configs initiated');

    static void initHandlerByName_MultipleCronConfigurationExisting_AllConfigsLoaded() {
        // SETUP
        // schedule the Dispatcher_ScheduledSends
        System.schedule('Test Send #1', '0 0 * * * ?', new Dispatcher_ScheduledSends());
        System.schedule('Test Send #3', '0 15 * * * ?', new Dispatcher_ScheduledSends());
        System.schedule('Test Send #2', '0 30 * * * ?', new Dispatcher_ScheduledSends());
        System.schedule('Test Send #4', '0 45 * * * ?', new Dispatcher_ScheduledSends());
        CronHandler ch = new CronHandler('Test Send%');
        // VERIFY
        System.assertEquals(4, ch.getCronConfigSize(), 'Wrong number of cron configs initiated');

    static void initHandlerByName_MultipleCronConfigurationOnDifferentNamesExisting_OnlyMatchingConfigsLoaded() {
        // SETUP
        // schedule the Dispatcher_ScheduledSends
        System.schedule('First Send #1', '0 0 * * * ?', new Dispatcher_ScheduledSends());
        System.schedule('First Send #3', '0 15 * * * ?', new Dispatcher_ScheduledSends());
        System.schedule('Another Send #1', '0 30 * * * ?', new Dispatcher_ScheduledSends());
        System.schedule('Another Send #2', '0 45 * * * ?', new Dispatcher_ScheduledSends());
        CronHandler ch = new CronHandler('First Send%');
        // VERIFY
        System.assertEquals(2, ch.getCronConfigSize(), 'Wrong number of cron configs initiated');

    static void getLastExecution_NoConfigLoaded_Null() {
        CronHandler ch = new CronHandler('Unknown Test Config');
        System.assertEquals(null, ch.getLastExecution(), 'Wrong value for last execution');

    static void getLastExecution_ExecutingCronInitialized_PrevFromExecuting() {
        CronHandler ch = new CronHandler('Unknown Test Config');
        // ACTION
        CronHandler.CronConfiguration cc = new CronHandler.CronConfiguration();
        cc.State = 'EXECUTING';
        cc.CronExpression = '0 0 * * * ?';
        cc.PreviousFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 23, 57);
        cc.NextFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 08, 23, 55);
        // VERIFY
        System.assertNotEquals(null, ch.getLastExecution(), 'Last execution is null');
        System.assertEquals(cc.getPreviousFireTime(), ch.getLastExecution(), 'Wrong value for last execution');

    static void getLastExecution_MultipleHourlyCrons_WaitingHasExecutions_PrevFromWaiting() {
        CronHandler ch = new CronHandler('Unknown Test Config');
        // ACTION
        // setup config for executing job
        CronHandler.CronConfiguration cc1 = new CronHandler.CronConfiguration();
        cc1.State = 'EXECUTING';
        cc1.CronExpression = '0 0 * * * ?';
        cc1.PreviousFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 00, 2);
        cc1.NextFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 08, 00, 00);
        // setup config for waiting job
        CronHandler.CronConfiguration cc2 = new CronHandler.CronConfiguration();
        cc2.State = 'WAITING';
        cc2.CronExpression = '0 30 * * * ?';
        cc2.PreviousFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 06, 30, 05);
        cc2.NextFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 30, 00);
        // VERIFY
        System.assertNotEquals(null, ch.getLastExecution(), 'Last execution is null');
        System.assertEquals(cc2.getPreviousFireTime(), ch.getLastExecution(), 'Wrong value for last execution');

    static void getLastExecution_MixedHourlyAndDailyCrons_WaitingHasExecutions_PrevFromWaiting() {
        CronHandler ch = new CronHandler('Unknown Test Config');
        // ACTION
        // setup config for executing job
        CronHandler.CronConfiguration cc1 = new CronHandler.CronConfiguration();
        cc1.State = 'EXECUTING';
        cc1.CronExpression = '0 0 * * * ?';
        cc1.PreviousFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 00, 2);
        cc1.NextFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 08, 00, 00);
        // setup config for waiting job
        CronHandler.CronConfiguration cc2 = new CronHandler.CronConfiguration();
        cc2.State = 'WAITING';
        cc2.CronExpression = '0 30 23 * * ?';
        cc2.PreviousFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 05, 23, 30, 05);
        cc2.NextFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 23, 30, 00);
        // VERIFY
        System.assertNotEquals(null, ch.getLastExecution(), 'Last execution is null');
        System.assertEquals(cc1.getPreviousFireTime(), ch.getLastExecution(), 'Wrong value for last execution');

    static void getLastExecution_WaitingHourlyCrons_NoExecutions_Null() {
        CronHandler ch = new CronHandler('Unknown Test Config');
        // ACTION
        // setup config for executing job
        CronHandler.CronConfiguration cc1 = new CronHandler.CronConfiguration();
        cc1.State = 'WAITING';
        cc1.CronExpression = '0 0 * * * ?';
        cc1.NextFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 07, 00, 00, 00);
        // setup config for waiting job
        CronHandler.CronConfiguration cc2 = new CronHandler.CronConfiguration();
        cc2.State = 'WAITING';
        cc2.CronExpression = '0 30 * * * ?';
        cc2.NextFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 07, 0, 30, 00);
        // VERIFY
        System.assertEquals(null, ch.getLastExecution(), 'Last execution is null');

    static void cronConfig_getPreviousFireTime_NotExecuting_InternalValueReturned() {
        // SETUP
        // emulate a cron config for a waiting trigger
        CronHandler.CronConfiguration cc = new CronHandler.CronConfiguration();
        cc.PreviousFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 23, 57);
        cc.NextFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 08, 23, 55);
        // ACTION & VERIFY
        cc.State = 'WAITING';
        System.assertEquals(DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 23, 57), cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong previous fire time returned for WAITING');
        cc.State = 'PAUSED';
        System.assertEquals(DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 23, 57), cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong previous fire time returned for PAUSED');
        cc.State = 'ACQUIRED';
        System.assertEquals(DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 23, 57), cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong previous fire time returned for ACQUIRED');
        cc.State = 'COMPLETE';
        System.assertEquals(DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 23, 57), cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong previous fire time returned for COMPLETED');
        cc.State = 'ERROR';
        System.assertEquals(DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 23, 57), cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong previous fire time returned for ERROR');
        cc.State = 'BLOCKED';
        System.assertEquals(DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 23, 57), cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong previous fire time returned for BLOCKED');
        cc.State = 'PAUSED_BLOCKED';
        System.assertEquals(DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 23, 57), cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong previous fire time returned for PAUSED_BLOCKED');

    static void cronConfig_getPreviousFireTime_NotExecutingNoRuns_RecurringCronExpression_InternalValueReturned() {
        // SETUP
        // emulate a cron config for a waiting trigger
        CronHandler.CronConfiguration cc = new CronHandler.CronConfiguration();
        cc.State = 'WAITING';
        cc.CronExpression = '0 30 * * * ?';
        cc.NextFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 08, 30, 00);
        // ACTION & VERIFY
        System.assertEquals(null, cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong value for WAITING');

    static void cronConfig_getPreviousFireTime_Executing_RecurringCronExpression_CalculatedPrevTime() {
        // SETUP
        // emulate a cron config for a waiting trigger
        CronHandler.CronConfiguration cc = new CronHandler.CronConfiguration();
        cc.State = 'EXECUTING';
        cc.PreviousFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 23, 57);
        cc.NextFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 08, 23, 55);
        // ACTION & VERIFY
        // calculate a DateTime with 10% bonus in difference
        DateTime expectedVal = DateTime.newInstance(cc.PreviousFireTime.getTime() - ((cc.NextFireTime.getTime() - cc.PreviousFireTime.getTime())*1.1).longValue());
        cc.CronExpression = '0 0 * * * ?';
        System.assertEquals(expectedVal, cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong value for: 0 0 * * * ?');
        cc.CronExpression = '0 0 * * * *';
        System.assertEquals(expectedVal, cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong value for: 0 0 * * * *');
        cc.CronExpression = '12 33 * * * ?';
        System.assertEquals(expectedVal, cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong value for: 12 33 * * * ?');
        cc.CronExpression = '0 0 5 * * ?';
        System.assertEquals(expectedVal, cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong value for: 0 0 5 * * ?');
        cc.CronExpression = '59 59 23 ? * * *';
        System.assertEquals(expectedVal, cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong value for: 59 59 23 ? * *');

    static void cronConfig_getPreviousFireTime_Executing_NonrecurringCronExpression_Null() {
        // SETUP
        // emulate a cron config for a waiting trigger
        CronHandler.CronConfiguration cc = new CronHandler.CronConfiguration();
        cc.State = 'EXECUTING';
        cc.PreviousFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 07, 23, 57);
        cc.NextFireTime = DateTime.newInstance(2019, 05, 06, 08, 23, 55);
        // ACTION & VERIFY
        cc.CronExpression = '0 0 * 1/5 * ?';
        System.assertEquals(null, cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong value for: 0 0 * 1/5 * ?');
        cc.CronExpression = '12 33 22 ? * MON-FRI';
        System.assertEquals(null, cc.getPreviousFireTime(), 'Wrong value for: 12 33 22 ? * MON-FRI');