I have member and non-member profiles. Based on a field(checkbox) on contact object the profile should change automatically. Currently it is doing the functionality but if multiple users change the field on multiple records, profile change is not happening because it is going to queue. How can i make it work without going to queue and change profiles. Snippet: public void userprofile(){ if (!System.isBatch() && !System.isFuture()) { UpdateUserProfileTriggerHandler.updateProfile (); } } @future public static void updateProfile(){ System.debug('inside update profile'); List<id> userids = new list<id>(); Profile porfileMember = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Member' limit 1]; Profile porfileNonMember = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='NonMember' limit 1]; List<User> Uv = [Select ProfileId,IsActive,contactId from User]; Map<Id, User> mapusers = new Map<Id, User>(); for(user u: Uv){ userids.add(u.contactId); mapusers.put(u.contactId,u); } List<contact> cntList = [select id, Member__c from contact where id IN:userids]; System.debug('before for loop update profile'); List<User> UpdateList = new List<User>(); for(contact cnt: cntList){ System.debug('TestingContact-' + cnt.id); if(mapusers.containsKey(cnt.id)) { User usr = mapusers.get(cnt.id); if(cnt.Member__c == false){ usr.ProfileId =porfileNonMember.Id; usr.IsActive = True; UpdateList.add(usr); } else { usr.ProfileId =porfileMember.Id; usr.IsActive = True; UpdateList.add(usr); } } Trigger : trigger UpdateUserProfileTrigger on Contact (before update) { UpdateUserProfileTriggerHandler handler = new UpdateUserProfileTriggerHandler(); handler.userprofile(); // UpdateUserProfileTriggerHandler.updateProfile(); /* string id = ''; for(Contact c: Trigger.new){ id = c.Id; } if(id!=''){ UpdateUserProfileTriggerHandler handler = new UpdateUserProfileTriggerHandler(); handler.userprofile(id); }*/