I have a After insert trigger on Account which Inserts Another object (Places) after checking Account Shipping fields with Address fields of 'Places' existing Records. If nothing found it inserts Places Records.

**When i am Inserting Accounts using Dataloader with few duplicates in Excel sheet. Even though i have no duplicates existing(Data base) in my Places object. It inserting Duplicate Places dueto Account Duplicates in Excel sheet**

    trigger InsertUniquePlaces on Account (after insert,after update) {
    List<places__c> Places= new List<places__c>();
    Map<Id,Account> Accounts = new Map<Id,account>();
    Map<String, Id> recordTypeMap = new Map <String,Id>();

    List<String> street = new List<String>();
    List<String> city = new List<String>();
    List<String> state = new List<String>();
    List<String> zipCode = new List<String>();
    List<String> country = new List<String>();
	set<Id> accountIds = new set<Id>(); 

    // After Insert
        accounts = Trigger.newMap;
        for(Account ac : accounts.Values())
        List<Places__c> ExistingPlaces = new List<places__c>();
        ExistingPlaces=[SELECT ID,Name,Street__c,City__c,State__c,
		Zip__c,Country__c FROM Places__c WHERE Street__c IN : street and 
		City__c IN : city and  State__c IN : state and Zip__c IN : zipCode and Country__c IN : country limit 50000];
		// If nothing Matched, Direct Insert a Loacation Record for accounts in Trigger.new
		for(Account acc : accounts.Values())
					Places__c location = new Places__c(
										name = acc.Name,
										Street__c = acc.ShippingStreet,
										City__c = acc.ShippingCity,
										State__c = acc.ShippingState,
										Zip__c = acc.ShippingPostalCode,
										Country__c = acc.ShippingCountry,
	 if(locations.size()>0 )

**Is there Any way to Avoid Duplicate records with repeated shipping address(no more name comparsion) wise at below stage before hitting database**

    if(locations.size()>0 )

I dont want to Insert duplicate places even though Inserted Accounts has Duplicates. Please any one suggest me. Thanks in advance