I use the [Metadata API and the Apex wrapper][1] to create an `AuthProvider` and `NamedCredential` after the installation of my managed package app. MetadataService.NamedCredential cred = new MetadataService.NamedCredential(); cred.fullName = 'MyCred'; cred.label = 'MyCred'; cred.allowMergeFieldsInBody = false; cred.allowMergeFieldsInHeader = true; cred.authProvider = 'MyAuth'; cred.generateAuthorizationHeader = true; cred.oauthScope = 'api refresh_token'; cred.principalType = 'NamedUser'; cred.protocol = 'Oauth'; cred.endpoint = apiEndpoint.trim(); The problem is the Authorization is still in `Pending` status as a user seems to manually Edit and Save the Named Credential to trigger it. **Is there a way I can trigger that by my code when I insert the NamedCredential?** [1]: https://github.com/financialforcedev/apex-mdapi