With datatable, the 2nd object references (Vendor_Name__r.Name and Purchase_Agreement__r.Name) here weren't displaying in the view. The entire column was blank. @track columns = [ {label: 'Vendor', fieldName: 'Vendor_Name__r.Name', sortable: true}, {label: 'Quote Name', fieldName: 'Name', sortable: true}, {label: 'Status', fieldName: 'Status__c', sortable: true}, {label: 'Purchase Agreement', fieldName: 'Purchase_Agreement__r.Name', sortable: true} ]; [![enter image description here][1]][1] When I change Vendor_Name__r.Name TO Vendor_Name__c AND Purchase_Agreement__r.Name to Purchase_Agreement__c, the Ids render in the view just fine. @track columns = [ {label: 'Vendor', fieldName: 'Vendor_Name__r.Name', sortable: true}, {label: 'Quote Name', fieldName: 'Name', sortable: true}, {label: 'Status', fieldName: 'Status__c', sortable: true}, {label: 'Purchase Agreement', fieldName: 'Purchase_Agreement__r.Name', sortable: true} ]; [![enter image description here][2]][2] As a workaround, I figured the following would work, but all rows in my datatable are now blank. [![enter image description here][3]][3] In the console, it does print this out: ***** quote: {"Vendor_Name__c":"0013k00002io4VgAAI","Name":"0029","Status__c":"Ready for Review","Purchase_Agreement__c":"a4vDL0000013VfjYAE","Id":"a4cDL000000hddsYAA","Vendor_Name__r":{"Name":"Acme1","Id":"0013k00002io4VgAAI"},"Purchase_Agreement__r":{"Name":"PA# 0001","Id":"a4vDL0000013VfjYAE"}} HTML <template if:true={quoteList}> <lightning-datatable data={quoteList} columns={columns} key-field="Id" default-sort-direction={defaultSortDirection} sorted-direction={sortDirection} sorted-by={sortedBy} onsort={handleSort}> </lightning-datatable> </template> JS @track columns = [ {label: 'Vendor', fieldName: 'VendorName', sortable: true}, {label: 'Status', fieldName: 'Status', sortable: true}, {label: 'Quote Name', fieldName: 'QuoteName', sortable: true}, {label: 'Purchase Agreement', fieldName: 'PurchaseAgreementName', sortable: true} ]; connectedCallback() { getQuotes({rfqID : this.recordId, statusValue : this.filterValue}) .then(results => { // this.quoteList = results; results.forEach(result => { console.log('**** VendorName: '+result.Vendor_Name__r.Name); this.quoteList.push({ VendorName: result.Vendor_Name__r.Name, Status: result.Status__c, QuoteName: result.Name, PurchaseAgreementName: result.Purchase_Agreement__r.Name }); }) this.quoteList.forEach( quote => console.log('***** quote: ' + JSON.stringify(quote)) ); this.error = undefined; }) .catch(error => { this.error = error; this.queryResults = undefined; }); } [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/fMnVo.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/NJq9g.png [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/ugQ2Q.png