I am trying to display the list returned form this method onto a visualforce page but not having any luck. Any help would be appreciated public List<Account> accresults {get;set;} public List<Account> getAccounts(Integer NumberOfRecords){ List<Account> accountList = [SELECT Id FROM Account where Status__c = 'Open' Limit 5]; Map<Id, Account> selectedAccountsMap = new map<Id, Account>(); Account account; List<Account>accResults = new List<Account>(); Integer rand; Integer count = accountList.size(); //Integer numberOfRecordsToSelect = 25; Integer i = 1; while (i <= NumberOfRecords){ rand = randomWithLimit(count); System.debug('Random Number: ' + rand); account = accountList[rand]; if(selectedAccountsMap.get(account.Id) == null) { selectedAccountsMap.put(account.Id, account); i++; } } accresults.addAll(selectedAccountsMap.values()); system.debug(accresults); return accresults; } public static Integer randomWithLimit(Integer upperLimit){ Integer rand = Math.round(Math.random()*1000); return Math.mod(rand, upperLimit); }