You are going to have to do something like this first: (from your link) BusinessHours bh = [SELECT Id FROM BusinessHours WHERE IsDefault=true]; Then use that id as the first parameter in the method: diff(, startdate,<48) You were getting an error message because you were using the name of the type of parameter that you needed to put into the function instead of using a value of that type. --- I got this to run: BusinessHours bh = [SELECT Id FROM BusinessHours WHERE IsDefault=true]; Datetime startdate = Datetime.newInstance(2013, 5, 28, 1, 6, 8); long l = BusinessHours.diff(,startdate,; system.debug(l); --- I this also worked for me: BusinessHours bh = [SELECT Id FROM BusinessHours WHERE IsDefault=true]; Case c = [SELECT ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE ClosedDate != NULL LIMIT 1]; DateTime startdate = c.ClosedDate; DateTime systemnow =; long startl = startdate.getTime(); long nowl = systemnow.getTime(); long diffl = BusinessHours.diff(,startdate,systemnow); system.debug('startl: ' + startl); system.debug('nowl: ' + nowl); system.debug('nowl - startl: ' + (nowl - startl)); system.debug('diffl: ' + diffl); system.assertEquals(nowl-startl,diffl); ---- This also works: Trigger Test_Business_hours_Trigger on EmailMessage (after insert) { BusinessHours bh = [SELECT Id FROM BusinessHours WHERE IsDefault=true]; list<Id> RelatedCaseIds = new list<Id>(); for(EmailMessage em : Trigger.New){ RelatedCaseIds.add(em.ParentId); } list<Case> CasesToUpdate = new list<Case>(); for(Case c : [SELECT Id, ClosedDate FROM Case WHERE Id IN :RelatedCaseIds AND ClosedDate != NULL]){ if(BusinessHours.diff(bh.Id,c.ClosedDate, < 172800000){ c.Status = 'Working'; CasesToUpdate.add(c); } } update CasesToUpdate; }