As per the documentation the [CustomField][1] metadata type does not support wildcards sadly. You can access **Custom Fields** on **Standard Objects** by using the **CustomObject** metadata type as described [here][2] against specific Standard Objects. Then parse the .object file to build your **destructiveChanges.xml** file. Finally you can also use the [sf:listMetadata][3] task to download a list of all custom fields and then filter locally for Standard objects. <sf:listMetadata username="${sf.username}" password="${sf.password}" metadataType="CustomField"/> You might also be interested in an open-source **undeploy** Ant target published [here][4], that wraps most of what i suspect your trying to develop up into a single Ant target. Sadly Salesforce do not yet give us a 'clean my org' task, so we build our own! [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: