I'm using the Product object and store the product sku within the StockKeepingUnit field. According to the [Winter 18 release notes][1], this field is considered unique, which is totally fine and expected for me. However, when I use apex testing classes, my product2 testing records that I create for testing are conflicting with the product2 records already part of my Salesforce instance. This doesn't make a lot of sense to me because I am **not** using `seeAllData=true` in my testing classes, those records in my Salesforce instance should not get into conflict with my testing records. Here is the error message I get when I try to insert a test record that has a product sku equal to a product2 record already part of my Salesforce instance. `System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: DUPLICATE_VALUE, A Product with this SKU already exists.: [StockKeepingUnit]` I've tested it in a brand new scratch org to the same result. **HOW TO REPRODUCE:** I've added a new product2 record through the dev console ``` Product2 testExistingProduct = new Product2(StockKeepingUnit='60235280574',Name='Fake Name',IsActive=true); insert testExistingProduct; ``` Here is the testing class ``` @isTest private class TestDuplicateSku { @testSetup static void setup() { Product2 testExistingProduct = new Product2(StockKeepingUnit='60235280574',Name='Fake Name',IsActive=true); insert testExistingProduct; } @isTest static void TestBasicProductAddProperties() { Test.startTest(); Test.stopTest(); Product2 updatedProduct = [select id,StockKeepingUnit from Product2 where StockKeepingUnit='60235280574']; System.assertEquals('60235280574',updatedProduct.StockKeepingUnit, 'Product sku should be defined'); } } ``` Error message: ``` TestDuplicateSku.TestBasicProductAddProperties System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: DUPLICATE_VALUE, A Product with this SKU already exists.: [StockKeepingUnit] force-app/main/default/classes/TestDuplicateSku.cls:5:1 ``` [1]: https://releasenotes.docs.salesforce.com/en-us/winter18/release-notes/rn_field_service_sku.htm