Just like the below SQL to see who bounced in Journey Send Emails, can expand this to include everyone? If they've bounced or not? select s.JobID, s.ListID, s.BatchID, s.EventDate as 'SendTime', b.EventDate as 'BounceTime', su.EmailAddress, j.JourneyName, j.VersionNumber, ja.ActivityName as 'EmailName' from [_Sent] s join [_JourneyActivity] ja on s.TriggererSendDefinitionObjectID = ja.JourneyActivityObjectID join [_Journey] j on ja.VersionID = j.VersionID join [_Sent] b on s.JobID = b.JobID and s.ListID = b.ListID and s.BatchID = b.BatchID and s.SubscriberID = b.SubscriberID join [_Subscribers] su on s.SubscriberID = su.SubscriberID where ja.ActivityType in ('EMAIL','EMAILV2') and b.SubscriberID is not null