When saving the visualforce page, it redirects to a blank page. Can anyone advise as to why it is not redirecting to the exact url for the current page cited in the PageRefrence at the bottom? public class IncidentTask { public ApexPages.StandardController std; // lists the associated tasks to the Incident public List<BMCServiceDesk__Task__c> tasks {get; set;} public String[] records {get;set;} public IncidentTask(ApexPages.StandardController stdCtrl) { std=stdCtrl; tasks=[select id, Name, Subject__c =:std.getId() order by Name asc limit 400]; // dynamically create set of unique Line Items from query Set<String> taskSet = new Set<String>(); for (BMCServiceDesk__Task__c t : tasks) taskSet.add(t.Subject__c); // convert the set into a string array records = new String[taskSet.size()]; Integer i = 0; for (String record : taskSet) { records[i] = record; i++; } } public PageReference save() { // first save the incident std.save(); // then save the procurement tasks update tasks; // set current page as reference to be returned to after save commits PageReference result=ApexPages.currentPage(); result.setRedirect(true); return result; } }