When saving the visualforce page, it redirects to a blank page. Can anyone advise as to why it is not redirecting to the exact url for the current page cited in the PageRefrence at the bottom?

    public class IncidentTask
        public ApexPages.StandardController std;
        // lists the associated tasks to the Incident
        public List<BMCServiceDesk__Task__c> tasks {get; set;}
        public String[] records {get;set;}
        public IncidentTask(ApexPages.StandardController stdCtrl)
         tasks=[select id, Name, Subject__c =:std.getId() order by Name asc limit 400];
        // dynamically create set of unique Line Items from query
        Set<String> taskSet = new Set<String>();
            for (BMCServiceDesk__Task__c t : tasks)
        // convert the set into a string array  
        records = new String[taskSet.size()];
        Integer i = 0;
            for (String record : taskSet) { 
            records[i] = record;
        public PageReference save()
         // first save the incident
         // then save the procurement tasks
            update tasks;
         // set current page as reference to be returned to after save commits
            PageReference result=ApexPages.currentPage();
            return result;