The code below will get the text from within the brackets. The code makes use of some [String methods](

    String eDescription = 'This is (the test) text';
    Integer openingIndex = eDescription.indexOf('(');
    Integer closingIndex = eDescription.indexOf(')');
    String textInBrackets = eDescription.subString(openingIndex + 1, closingIndex);

Using @Sovereigntys suggestion of using [substringBetween]( then the code becomes:

    String eDescription = 'This is (the test) text';
    String textInBrackets = eDescription. substringBetween('(', ')');

FYI: Both ways will find the first instance of '**(**' and '**)**'. 

 - **Input:** 'This is (the test) text', **Output:** 'the test'
 - **Input:** 'This is (the test) (text)', **Output:** 'the test'