I was searching for a method to find the count of selected multi-select picklist. My aim is to select multiple options for Known-Languages in a Drop down and to display the selected count in a Counter and reflect the changes of count based on selection from multi-select picklist using Insert-Update before trigger.    

But couldn't able to find a direct one  and was able to see some workaround way using a `List` and the `split` method using `';'` and it worked well ([Referred Link][1])

I have written my trigger as below and it worked fine with my test cases. 

    trigger AccountMultiselect on Account (before insert, before update) {
        for(Account acc:Trigger.new){
                List<String> Langs = acc.Languages_Known__c.split(';');
                acc.Counter__c     = Langs.size();
            } else {
                acc.Counter__c     = 0;

Can some one let me know 

1. Are there any direct methods to check the count instead of `List` and `split` ? This approach was suggested somewhere 2013 and just want to know any new methods available recently.

2. Does the above code have any loopholes?

  [1]: https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/20959/counting-multi-select-picklist-selections-in-a-formula