Has anyone else experienced issues with permission based elements on visualforce when rerendering a section? For example I have a section that for administrators will provide a link but for common users it would just display the text like so: <apex:repeat id="myRepeat"> <apex:outpanel id="myWrapper" <!-- If user has admin permissions --> <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!$Permission.AdminPermission}"> <a href="/{!record.Id}" target="_blank"> <apex:outputPanel layout="block">Record# {!record.Id}</apex:outputPanel> </a> </apex:outputPanel> <!-- If user does NOT have admin permissions --> <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!!$Permission.AdminPermission}"> <apex:outputPanel layout="block">Record# {!record.Id}</apex:outputPanel> </apex:outputPanel> <!-- Input text with onchange actionFunction method --> <apex:inputText value="{!rowUnits}" onChange="updateUnits(this)"/> </apex:repeat> <!-- Action Functions --> <apex:actionFunction action="{!setUnits}" name="updateUnitsAction" reRender="{!$Component.myRepeat.myWrapper}"> </apex:actionFunction> <apex:commandButton value="Submit" action="{!process}" rerender="errors, {!$Component.myRepeat.myWrapper}/> When the page first loads this works exactly as expected but then when I rerender the section that contains this portion of markup the permission that once worked (granting the link) is now false (showing just the text). If I refresh the page I again have the admin link. Appreciate any feedback, thanks! **Edited with command button, inputtext onchange, and wrapper section markup**