I'm trying to get the cart products json object in the CheckOut page from the web page side. I see there's a dw.order property in the documentation but when inspecting the **dw** object using the web inspector, I cannot see such **order** property.

 Is there any other object that I can use to get the order products in this checkout page? 

 I'm using a site like this https://zzrf-001.sandbox.us01.dx.commercecloud.salesforce.com/s/RefArch/home?lang=en_US

 BTW, the dw object contains this property:

    "ac": {
        "_analytics": null,
        "_events": [],
        "_category": "",
        "_searchData": "",
        "_anact": "",
        "_anact_nohit_tag": "",
        "_analytics_enabled": "false",
        "_timeZone": "Etc/UTC",
        "EV_PRD_SEARCHHIT": "searchhit",
        "EV_PRD_DETAIL": "detail",
        "EV_PRD_RECOMMENDATION": "recommendation",
        "EV_PRD_SETPRODUCT": "setproduct"
