I have a Rich Text Area field in which I'm storing images only. When this field is accessed through APEX, an HTML tag `<img>` is returned with it's properties. In the controller of my VF page, I am doing a substring to get the URL of the image from the `src` property which works well when I access the page from within the SF instance `/apex/thePage`. The result URL that I'm getting is something like this : https://c.cs17.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=a1Cg0000000JDAi&feoid=00Ng0000000MTcp&refid=0EMg00000007o4U If I access the same relative path through my site however, I don't have permissions to access that record/object. > I've got 2 questions here: > > 1) Where are the images stored in the instance (which object), and can > they be accessed from anywhere else but the RTA field itself? > > 2) Is there any way to reference the URL of the image in a specific > format so that the Site can access it (If an object needs permissions for the site profile, which object would that be)? > > NOTES : > > 1) I can't output the RTA field on the page due to the complexity and > the structure of the template, I can only reference the URL of the > image (Using `<apex:image` adds other elements around the image). > > 2) The data model is already built this way, so please don't suggest > moving the images to other objects etc.