I have a LWC that essentially collects data in a table format. I am then using an apex action (apex class) to parse the text string output of the LWC back to a record - see the code below: public without sharing class PointofConnSingle { //input details that comes to apex from flow public class FlowInputs{ @InvocableVariable public string applicationIdString; @InvocableVariable public string propertyChildStringArray; } @InvocableMethod(label='Point Of Connection Saving Single Apex') public static List<String> saveMainsData(List<FlowInputs> request){ List<string> applicationIdList = new List <string>(); List<string> propertyChildStringArrayList = new List<string>(); List<string> resultResponse = new list<string>(); List<property__c> newPropertyToInsertList = new List<property__c>(); for(FlowInputs requestItem : request){ applicationIdList.add(requestItem.applicationIdString); propertyChildStringArrayList.add(requestItem.propertyChildStringArray); } try{ Id applicationId = Id.valueOf(applicationIdList[0]); //main property array- processing Json List<PropertyJsonClass> mainPropList = PropertyJsonClass.parse(propertyChildStringArrayList[0]); //inserting property frist for(PropertyJsonClass resultPropItem: mainPropList) { property__c newProperty = new property__c(); newProperty.Application__c = applicationId; newProperty.Type_of_Property_POC__c = resultPropItem.propertyType; newProperty.Name = resultPropItem.propertyType; newProperty.Units__c = filterResponse(resultPropItem.unit); newProperty.Imp_Areas_M__c = filterResponse(resultPropItem.impAreas); newProperty.Name = resultPropItem.propertyType; newPropertyToInsertList.add(newProperty); } if(!newPropertyToInsertList.isEmpty()){ system.debug('adding property records'); insert newPropertyToInsertList; } }catch(Exception e){ resultResponse.add('INSERT Failed' + e); } resultResponse.add('OK'); return resultResponse; } private static integer filterResponse(String dataToFilter){ if(dataToFilter!='' && dataToFilter!=null){ return integer.valueOf(dataToFilter); }else{ return 0; } } } This works if the value put into the Units__c or Imp_Areas_M__c field is an integer but fails if a decimal is entered. The data is entered via a LWC that outputs a text string that this code then parses into the fields any ideas? I assumed the Private static class at the bottom converts the value to a integer - but obviously not Error Message is - The number of results does not match the number of interviews that were executed in a single bulk execution request.