Salesforce Developers put out the blog post [Testing Custom Metadata Types][1] that includes the section *Testing Global Custom Metadata*. > ...add an extra field to your custom metadata type to indicate what sort of tests the type is active for. For example, you could add a Text field called TestCase__c to your type. You can leave this field blank for production custom metadata and set it for test custom metadata. [![enter image description here][2]][2] Class with static setting to toggle records to retrieve. public class TestContext { public static String testCase {public get; public set;} } Queries against the custom metadata type use the static setting to retrieve testing configuration. OurCustomMetadata__mdt[] rows = [SELECT QualifiedApiName, Field1__c FROM OurCustomMetadata__mdt WHERE TestCase__c = :TestContext.testCase]; Test indicates which configuration to use. public static testmethod void testWelcomePageWorksWithTestCase1() { TestContext.testCase = 'TestCase1'; /* test the Welcome page */ } Personally I find the proposed solution a bit ugly and have voted for [Custom MetaData Types need APEX methods to access/update][3]. See also: * [Insert Custom Metadata for Unit Test][4] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: