My question is in addition to the issue described here:

What I don't understand is that **my query only returns 1 row** so how is it possible that I'm hitting a limit?

`SELECT Id, CampaignId, ContactId, LeadId, F2F_Activity_ID__c, F2F_Activity_Subject__c, F2F_Activity_Date__c FROM CampaignMember WHERE ContactId = '003d000001wfzTe'`

There are 350,000+ CampaignMember items but my `WHERE` statement returns only 1 and is on ContactId (lookup field) which I believe is indexed. I have tried putting SOQL in a loop as [suggested here][1] as well and I still get `System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001`

All post on this topic mention setting a limit below 50k which I have tried and it works considering I will likely never have a single contact Id that has more than 10k campaign members. But the question is WHY does LIMIT fix this problem? The SOQL is still going to search all 350k+ CampaignMembers.

>Note: Developer Console returns 1 row, but execute anonymous returns 50k+ (same SOQL)
