You are trying to join to tables without a common key. This can be achieved by calculating a ROW_NUMBER() for each row, and joining the two DEs on rowNumber. This isn't random yet but will keep the order of both DEs. So: If you only need to perform this once, you could randomize one of your DEs by creating a Data Extension of type "random", "splitting" it into resulting DE with 100% of records, which will physically randomize the order of rows. then you can just run this. ``` SELECT sub1.fieldInDE1 ,sub2.fieldInDE2 FROM ( SELECT deOne.fieldInDE1, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY deOne.fieldInDE1) AS rn FROM myTable1 deOne ) AS sub1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT fieldInDE2, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY fieldInDE2) AS rn FROM myTable2 deTwo ) AS sub2 ON sub1.rn = sub2.rn ```` If you need to do this regularly or want to have it as pure SQL, then combine the above with an `ORDER BY NEWID()` in one of the tables, which will randomize one of the DEs on-the-fly: ``` SELECT sub1.fieldInDE1 ,sub2.fieldInDE2 FROM ( SELECT deOne.fieldInDE1, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY deOne.fieldInDE1) AS rn FROM myTable1 deOne ) AS sub1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT deTwo.fieldInDE2, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY NEWID()) AS rn FROM myTable2 deTwo ) AS sub2 ON sub1.rn = sub2.rn