i am trying to create a csv and succeeded in that except with a new column has been added from the 
 second line , 
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
The following is the lwc code .` exportToCSV() {  
****/*  Row 1 :Staic HEADER */****

let s;
      s =["Name","Example Data","Field Type","Data Category","Data Category Definition","Data Classification"];
/*  Row 1 : Dynamic Headers Continuation to Static Headers */
      for(let d in this.columnHeaderLists1){
        s.push("\"" + this.columnHeaderLists1[d] + "\"");

****/*  Row 2 : Dynamic second  Headers */****

**Here I need 6 spaces but pushing 5 empty strings (Due to empty Column created)**
      for(let key in this.columnHeaderList){
        let t;
        t = this.columnHeaderList[key].subcolumn;
        for(let key in t){
          s.push("\"" + t[key] + "\"");
      let columnHeader = s;
**/* I'm not using the belowc code , which requires a pojo*/ 
/* Our code has data from multiple queries so , it is complex to add a pojo and utilize the below code */**

    let jsonKeys = [];
      var jsonRecordsData = []; 
      console.log('length ',jsonRecordsData.length);
      let csvIterativeData;  
      let csvSeperator  
      let newLineCharacter;  
      csvSeperator = ",";  
      newLineCharacter = "\n";  
     // csvIterativeData = "";  
      csvIterativeData += columnHeader.join(csvSeperator);  
      csvIterativeData += newLineCharacter;  
      for (let i = 0; i < jsonRecordsData.length; i++) {  
        let counter = 0;  
        for (let iteratorObj in jsonKeys) {  
          let dataKey = jsonKeys[iteratorObj];  
          if (counter > 0) {  csvIterativeData += csvSeperator;  }  
          if (  jsonRecordsData[i][dataKey] !== null &&  
            jsonRecordsData[i][dataKey] !== undefined  
          ) {  csvIterativeData += '"' + jsonRecordsData[i][dataKey] + '"';  
          } else {  csvIterativeData += '""';  
        csvIterativeData += newLineCharacter;  
      console.log("csvIterativeData", csvIterativeData);  
      this.hrefdata = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8," + encodeURI(csvIterativeData);  

  Is that a right approach using nested if's to handle different csv header .

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/bdCJw.png