I am trying to trigger outbound SMS for another outbound SMS, I am able to trigger it but not able to pass the subscriber key and attributes in the payload. Below is the script that's working with only mobile number in the content.

    VAR @apiid,@url,@exec,@accessToken,@mobileNumber,@OMedia,@apiresponse,@apistatusCode,@statusCode,@response,@httppost,@apitoken,@skey,@cpk1
    set @mobileNumber = "xxxxxx"
    set @skey="123#Test"
    sey @cpk1="123##Test"
    SET @apiid = '{"client_id": "xxxxxx","client_secret": "xxxxx", "grant_type": "client_credentials"}'
    SET @httppost = HTTPPost2("https://subdomain.auth.marketingcloudapis.com/v2/token","application/json",@apiid,false,@apistatusCode,@apiresponse)
    SET @apitoken = Substring(@apistatusCode,18,512)
    IF @httppost ==  200 THEN
    SET @OMedia = concat('{"mobileNumbers":[', @mobileNumber,']}')
      SET @url ="https://subdomain.rest.marketingcloudapis.com/sms/v1/messageContact/**smskey**/send/"
    SET @exec = HTTPPost2(@url,"application/json",@OMedia,true,@statusCode,@response,'Authorization',CONCAT("Bearer ", @apitoken)) 

but when I try to pass attributes in the payload content like below its not working

    **SET @OMedia = concat('{"Subscribers": [{"mobileNumbers":[', @mobileNumber,'],"SubscriberKey": [',@skey,'],"Attributes":{"COMPOSITE_PRIMARY_KEY":[', @cpk1,']}}]}')**

Is there a way to pass a unique key to next message from current message through API?