Im getting a test coverage of 79%. I need 100% coverage.
It use 2 queries as lists and take data from it by cmparing. Most of them was covered.
I pass values to the 2 objects from test class.
Per developer console, Im not able to cover for the following statements.
if (SalesAccreditationName==SalesCertName)
if (TechAccreditationName==TechCertName)
if (SalesAccredCertCount==SalesCertCount)
if (TechAccredCertCount==TechCertCount)
These variable are set inside the for loop of list of a query.The check happens after the for loop brackets are closed.
Is that the problem ? If the variable checks are inside the for loop whose values are set ,it would have been covered automatically is it ?
Please advice.
Thanks, Priya