I'm seeing SVG icons not rendering in a Spring '17 environment. I'm using custom SVG lightning component from SLDS framework. The icons in my component continue to display correctly in existing Winter 17 environment of platform, but when I test in Spring '17 all of the icons are not displayed.

When I checked icon path in browser console, i noticed all of the icons are having incorrect Path URL in the SVG URL elements. And I'm using documented way to set SVG Url:

    {!$Resource.mynmsp__SLDS0202 + '/assets/icons/utility-sprite/svg/symbols.svg#search'}

The above SVG URL is evaluated correctly as:


But in Spring '17 pre-release orgs I'm seeing lots of Console Errors like this:
Unsafe attempt to load URL 

> https://vc-prerelease-dev-ed--advpm.gus.visual.force.com/resource/1470228498000/mynmsp__SLDS0202/assets/icons/utility-sprite/svg/symbols.svg#search
> from frame with URL
> https://vc-prerelease-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/one/one.app#/n/mynmsp__My_Lightning_App?t=1484050965092.
> Domains, protocols and ports must match.