For easier readability, you can store as many `.json` files as needed for all your mocked data needs and have "less" in your jest test.

Within your `__tests__` directory, you can create a `data` folder and then store the `.json` file of your mocked data within it. File structure would look like so:


Your `.json` file would just be the response you get from your call. This is helpful for responses you want to mock that may be large

  "apiName": "Account",
  "fields" : {
    "Name": "Local Boxes",
    "BillingState": "WA",
    "BillingStreet" : "123 Main Street",
    "BillingCountry" : "USA"
Within a given jest test, you'll have all the imports needed at the top (in this example, your apex method you call imperatively).

import insertRecords from '@salesforce/apex/MyController.insertRecords';

Load as many files in separate constants as you need for all your tests. In this example, we have mock data for a happy path and failure path

const mockInsertedRecords = require("./data/insertedRecordsMock.json");
const mockErrorInsertedRecords = require("./data/insertedRecordsErrorMock.json");

Mock the imperative apex call - we return a new, unused mock function so we can pick what the return will look like within the specific test.

    () => {
        return {
            default: jest.fn(),
    { virtual: true }

Then, in your actual specific tests - supply whatever data that should be returned for the mock of your call depending on your testing scenario. Below is the happy path as `mockResolvedValue` really just mocks the `Promise.resolve()` which is the happy path of your apex imperative call.


For the failure scenario, you want to mock what happens if your promise is rejected so we can utilize `mockRejectedValue()`
