I am confused why the following pattern's call to the other constructor block does not count as the first statement in the constructor block:

    public class MyClass
        final String someProperty;
        public MyClass()
            /* some default logic */
        public MyClass(String someProperty)
            this().someProperty = someProperty;

It seems to me like the order of operations should be:

1. The empty constructor runs.
2. The property gets assigned.

However, I get a compile error:

> Call to another constructor must be the first statement in constructor block


I realize that I can just separate the calls.

    public MyClass(String someProperty)
        this.someProperty = someProperty;

However, I am trying to understand why `this()` behaves differently than `new MyClass()`. They both run the empty constructor! But they allow for different behavior after the constructor completes. Note that I can chain directly off the constructor when using the fluent pattern.

    new MyClass().doSomeStuff().doOtherStuff();