I am creating an array of pills and would like to add a data-* attribute to each item. But unfortunately I get a syntax error. I tried changing the field name 'data-id' to 'dataId' but still wasn't able to query the field using `event.target.dataset.dataId`. What is the right syntax for this? [Playground][1] import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc'; export default class App extends LightningElement { @track items = [ ]; handleClick(event){ let obj ={ label: 'test', data-Id: 'my data id' <---- This is where I get syntax error } this.items.splice(this.items.length,0,obj) //adding new items to array } copyPillToForm(event){ console.dir(event.target.dataset.data-Id) } } [1]: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/component-library/tools/playground/AOsUnbTGM/28/edit