# Question

Is there any known issue with the approval process steps that have criteria that enter if it evaluates to true, else approve, auto-rejecting records that don't meet the criteria?

# Background

I have a moderately complex approval process, which at a high level has these steps:

1. If picklist is value A, send to User1__c on the record, else next step
2. If picklist is value B, send to User2__c on the record, else approve
3. If false (dummy step, should always be skipped in theory)

In testing I submit a record with a pikclist with value C.  Based on my understanding the flow is:

1. Evaluate criteria for step 1, eval = false, go to next step
2. Evaluate criteria for step 2, eval = false, approve

But in testing, it always auto-rejects.  Reviewing the logs confirms it skips step 1, hits step 2, then rejects.  Also confusing is that when I edit step 2 it shows "else approve", but on the approval process detail it just shows the criteria, with no "else" clause.