I am new to Salesforce. I have written a trigger to update contact based on account  field .The Trigger code is below.
trigger Update_contact_based_on_acc on Account (before update) {
    List<contact> cont = new List<contact>();
    for(Account acc : Trigger.new){
        if(acc.Type == 'Prospect'){
            Contact con = new contact();
            con.AccountId = acc.Id;
            con.FirstName = acc.Name;
            con.LastName = acc.Phone;
        insert cont; 

I want to use System.assert,System.AssertEquals,Test.start,test.stop and system.runas to clear my concept.So how can I use these in my test class which is attached below
public class Update_contact_based_on_accTest {
    public static testmethod void PrimaryAccountTest(){
        Account acc = new Account();
        acc.Name = 'Test';
        acc.Type = 'Prospect';
        insert acc; 
        acc.Phone = '8404868903';
        update acc;
        contact con = new contact(FirstName='accnmame',LastName='test',
        insert con; 
        system.assertEquals(expected, actual);