I'm trying to use DELETEDATA function in AMPscript in unsubscribe process in order to remove record from 2 places ( Data Extensions) AMPscript code is not working when adding this part: SET @TCX_LOCAL = CONCAT("TCX_",@OOCampaignCode,"_LOCAL") DELETEDATA(@TCX_LOCAL,'SubscriberKey',@SubscriberKey,'Locale',@OOLocale,'CampaignCode',@OOCampaignCode) Can anyone knows what is wrong with this 2 lines? I'm not able to use DELETEDATA function twice? I will highly appreciate any advice. best, Natalia here is my code: ``` %%[ IF @Operation == 'OptedOut' THEN SET @OptInStatus = 'OptedOut' SET @OptOutDate = NOW() UpdateData('T_MSubscribers',1,'SubscriberKey',@SubscriberKey,'OptInStatus',@OptInStatus,'OptOutDate',@OptOutDate) SET @rows = LookupRows('T_MSubscribers','SubscriberKey',@SubscriberKey) SET @rowCount = rowcount(@rows) IF @rowCount > 0 then for @i = 1 to @rowCount do SET @row = row(@rows,@i) SET @OOCampaignCode = field(@row,'CampaignCode') SET @OOLocale = field(@row,'Locale') SET @T_NSubscribersDE = CONCAT("TCX_",@OOCampaignCode,"_NewsletterSubscribers") DELETEDATA(@T_NSubscribersDE,'SubscriberKey',@SubscriberKey,'Locale',@OOLocale,'CampaignCode',@OOCampaignCode) SET @T_LOCAL = CONCAT("T_",@OOCampaignCode,"_LOCAL") DELETEDATA(@T_LOCAL,'SubscriberKey',@SubscriberKey,'Locale',@OOLocale,'CampaignCode',@OOCampaignCode) next @i ENDIF ]%% ```