I am trying to check duplicate lookup field values in a custom object named ABC__c
. The lookup field is named RelatedUser__c
and references the standard User
object in Salesforce. Aside from this, there is another lookup field named Alphabet__c
which references a custom object named Alphabet__c
The rule is that there should be an error when RelatedUser__c
already assigned to same Alphabet__c
record is inputted to new ABC__c
I created an apex class and trigger to implement said requirement, but I am getting the following error:
System.FinalException: SObject row does not allow errors
I am kind of stuck right now and don't know what went wrong. How can I fix this?
public with sharing class ABCController {
public static void duplicateMethod() {
List<Alphabet__c> alphabetList = new List<Alphabet__c>();
List<ABC__c> abcList = new List<ABC__c>();
alphabetList = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Alphabet__c];
abcList = [SELECT Id, Name, Alphabet__c, RelatedUser__c FROM ABC__c
WHERE Alphabet__c IN :alphabetList];
for(ABC__c newABC : abcList) {
for(ABC__c existingABC : abcList) {
if(newABC.RelatedUser__c == existingABC.RelatedUser__c) {
newABC.addError('related user is already assigned to same alphabet');
trigger ABCTrigger on ABC__c (before insert, before update) {
I am quite grasping out the basic in Salesforce development but I hope I have clearly explained my issue here. Please bear with me.