I am not sure how to resolve this.  With the new Orders Object Salesforce does not give you the option to create a new Order from the Opp.  This is a requirement for our org.  I have created a custom VF page and am using the Orders standard controller along with an extension to add some other functionality.  Everything is working, but I cannot get my test class to pass because the AccountId field is not writeable.

    public  class SaveAndAddProductControllerExtension {
    private ApexPages.StandardController stdCtrl;
    public Contact OrdContact {get;set;}
    public Contact OrdContact2 {get;set;}
    public Opportunity Name {get;set;}
    public Opportunity ActName {get;set;}
    public string id;
    public string Acid;
    Order ord;
        private ApexPages.StandardController controller;
            public SaveAndAddProductControllerExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {  
                stdCtrl = controller;
                ord = (order)controller.getrecord();
                id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('oppid'); 
                Acid = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Accid');
                if (id != null)
                name = [select id, name from opportunity where id= :id];
                ord.Opportunity_Name__c = id;
                ord.AccountId = acid;
                this.controller = controller;
        public void ContactPopulated(){
            Order cont=(Order)stdCtrl.getRecord();
            OrdContact =[select id, MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingPostalCode from contact where id= :cont.BillToContactid ]; 
        public void ContactPopulated2(){
            Order cont=(Order)stdCtrl.getRecord();
            OrdContact2 =[select id, MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingState, MailingPostalCode from contact where id= :cont.ShipToContactId]; 
        public Order getOrder() {
            if(ord == null) ord = new Order();
                ord.EffectiveDate = System.Today();
                ord.EndDate = System.Today() + 1095;
                ord.Status = 'Open';
                return ord;
        public PageReference save() {
            try {
            system.debug('*************' +Ord);
            ord.BillingCity = OrdContact.MailingCity;
            ord.BillingPostalCode = OrdContact.MailingPostalCode;
            ord.BillingState = OrdContact.MailingState;
            ord.BillingStreet = OrdContact.MailingStreet;
            ord.ShippingCity = OrdContact2.MailingCity;
            ord.ShippingPostalCode = OrdContact2.MailingPostalCode;
            ord.ShippingState = OrdContact2.MailingState;
            ord.ShippingStreet = OrdContact2.MailingStreet;
            insert Ord;
            PageReference neword = new PageReference('/apex/orderProductEntry?Id='+Ord.Id);
            system.debug('test::::::::::::' + neword);
                return neword;
            catch (DMLException e) {
                ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR, 'Error creating new order.'));
            return null;

Test Class

    @istest(seeAllData = True)
    private class SaveAndAddProductControllerTest {
        static testMethod void testing(){
            Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator' limit 1];
            List<user> UserList = [SELECT Id FROM user WHERE isActive = True AND profileid =: p.id limit 2];
            Account a2 = new Account();
            a2.Name = 'The Amazing';
            insert a2;
            Contact c = new Contact();
            c.firstname = 'Summer';
            c.LastName = 'Testing';
            c.AccountId = a2.Id;
            c.MailingCity = 'HappyTown';
            c.MailingPostalCode = '01010';
            c.MailingState = 'MA';
            c.MailingStreet = '123 Awesome St';
            insert c;
            Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();        
            opp.RecordTypeId = '012500000009kqw';
            opp.OwnerId = UserList[0].Id;
            opp.Name = 'Test Opp';
            opp.AccountId = a2.Id;
            opp.Line_of_Business__c = 'Banking';
            opp.Segment__c = 'Advisory Services';
            opp.Product__c = null;
            opp.CloseDate = system.today();
            opp.Deal_Status__c = 'Upside';
            opp.StageName = 'Closed Won';
            insert opp;
            Order order = new Order();
            order.RecordTypeId = '012W0000000CvTF';
            order.Opportunity_Name__c = opp.Id;
            order.AccountId = a2.Id;
            order.EffectiveDate = system.today();
            order.Status = 'Open';
            order.Price_List__c = '0-500M';
            order.BillToContactId = c.Id;
            order.ShipToContactId = c.Id;
            insert order;
            Order ord = [SELECT Id, RecordTypeId,Opportunity_Name__c, AccountId, EffectiveDate, Status, Price_List__c, BillToContactId, ShipToContactId FROM Order limit 1];
            SaveAndAddProductControllerExtension sAAP = new SaveAndAddProductControllerExtension(new ApexPages.StandardController (Order));