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Matt and Neil
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The flow can be invoked from a user-facing process. Here are the parameters:

  • /services/auth/xds/{org_id}/{authprovider_id} - external data service issues a logout,
  • &startURL=/0XA... - the Named Credential ID tells SF what to link the grant against,
  • &scope=full - list of scopes/privileges presented to the user at the Allow screen,

Apex code to return such a URL from a VF page action or button:

public PageReference authorizeNamedCredential(String authProvider, String namedCredential)
    AuthProvider provider = [
        SELECT Id
        FROM AuthProvider
        WHERE DeveloperName = :authProvider
    NamedCredential credential = [
        SELECT Id
        FROM NamedCredential
        WHERE DeveloperName = :namedCredential
    String oid = UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
    String domain = Url.getOrgDomainUrl().toExternalForm();
    String path = '/services/auth/xds/' + oid + '/' + authProvider;
    String startUrl = '/' + String.valueOf(credential.Id).left(15);
    PageReference redirect = new PageReference(domain + path);
    redirect.getParameters().put('startURL', startUrl);
    redirect.getParameters().put('scope', 'full refresh_token');
    return redirect;

After logging back in, the user must manually click Allow:

named credential grant

Technically it's possible to skip the manual authorization nag by pre-authorizing the app on a Profile or Permission Set. But the pre-authorization step is itself a manual process!

  • Deploy the Connected App into the org per your Metadata API
  • Go to Setup > Connected Apps > Manage Apps > Edit Policies
  • Change "Permitted Users" to "Admin approved users are pre-authorized" then save
  • Edit the Profiles or Permission Sets then navigate to Connected App Access
  • Enable the app, then save.
Matt and Neil
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