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illegal assignment from object to id Error?

I have written following code to insert records on junction object.

public static List<PDCN__c> addSelectedPDCNs(List<String> selectedRecords, String groupId) {
        system.debug('Entering addSelectedPDCNs');
        system.debug('Selected Records are-->'+selectedRecords);
        system.debug('Group Id is-->'+groupId);
        List < PDCN__c > lstAddId = [SELECT Id from PDCN__c where Name IN: selectedRecords];
        system.debug('Record Ids Are-->'+lstAddId);
        List<PDCNGrpJunc__c> lstJunc = new List<PDCNGrpJunc__c>();
        for( PDCN__c  pdcn : lstAddId ) {
            system.debug('Inside For Loop-->'+pdcn);
            PDCNGrpJunc__c juncRec = new PDCNGrpJunc__c();
            juncRec.PDCN__c = pdcn;
            juncRec.PDCN_Group__c = groupId;
        //insert lstJunc;
            system.debug('Trying Insert');
            insert lstJunc;
         catch(Exception e)
            System.debug('Exception Occured='+e.getMessage());
        return lstAddId;

I am getting error in juncRec.PDCN__c = pdcn; line as :-

Illegal assignment from PDCN__c to Id

I am not sure what supposed to be problem or solution.. Thanks in Advance!!