I am trying to write apex code (and I'm learning how) to roll up data from the on the Account from an object with a lookup relationship to the object.
Fields from Account: ID, DealCount__c
Fields from related object - Investment__c: Target_Company__c (ID from Account), count of records.
when I try saving it, I'm getting the error: Incompatible key type Object for Map<Id,Account> at line 22 column 12. (between ... in code below)
trigger trgRollUpToAccount on Investment__c (after insert, after update)
//List to store Account IDs
List<Id> AccountIDs = new List<Id>();
//Get list of target accounts from investment__c
for(Investment__c i: Trigger.new)
//query to get all investment records whose account IDs are in the list
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [Select count(id)DealCount, Target_Company__c from Investment__c
where Target_Company__c in :AccountIDs Group by Target_Company__c];
// get group of account objects to update
Map<id,Account> accountMap = new Map<id,Account>([Select id, DealCount__c from Account where id in :AccountIds]);
//iterate over grouped results and set the account map's data to match
**for(AggregateResult ar: groupedResults)
accountMap.get(ar.get('Target_Company__c' )).DealCount__c = ar.get('DealCount');
//Update account objects:
try {
update accountMap.values();
catch(DmlException e) {