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Matt M
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Add help text to VF page

Can someone share how I can show the help text icon and text in my page?

Here is a snipping of the area I want to add help text to.

 <apex:outputPanel id="Detail" layout="block" title="Detail">
            <apex:pageBlock id="pb_BenUnderReview" title="Benefits Under Admin Review" rendered="{!adminRender}" >
                <apex:pageBlockTable id="pbt_myTable_2" value="{!esb_List_review}" var="rev" >
                    <apex:column headerValue="Election Status" title="Election Status" >
                        <apex:inputField value="{!rev.Election_Status__c}" rendered="{!paperRender}" />
                        <apex:outputText value="{!rev.Election_Status__c}" rendered="{!!paperRender}" />

I want the help text on either the column headerValue line or the inputField line. I have set the Title value but this isn't as fancy as the normal help text.

Is there a way of adding like a graphic to the column headerValue that when you hover it shows the help text for that field or maybe is there a way of doing like a outputpanel that only shows on hover?

The object that this field is on is called Employee_Session__c

I have seen some comments on a feature called like lookuphoverdetail but I can't seem to get the syntax correct for usage.

Matt M
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