I have a page message and i have a requirement like i want the text to be in red color.
I have written a java script like
function func1()
document.getElementById('{!$Component.msg2}').style.color = "#ff0000";
and the page message is like
<apex:outputPanel id="errordisplayPanel" >
<apex:outputPanel Id="errorspanel">
<input id="isDiscountCheckPrfmd" type="hidden" name="isDiscountCheckPrfmd" value="{!isDiscountCheckPrfmd}" />
<c:Displayerror id="errordisplay" errorList="{!lstAllError}" />
<div id="focusError"></div>
<apex:pageMessages id="msg2" />
i dont know why its not working .But when i use the static id that i pick up using inspect element its working.
It was like
document.getElementById("createSOheaderpage:newheaderform:newheaderpb:msg2:j_id63:j_id64:0:j_id65:j_id66:j_id68").style.color = "#ff0000";
Can someone please help me with this
Thanks in Advance