This is similar to [this question][1], but I'm wondering about the object I'm sending into the Queueable Class.

Here's the Queuable Class (not much more than debug statements at this point)

    public class CalloutLogger implements Queueable{
      public transient HttpRequest req;
	  public CalloutLogger(httpRequest request){
	    system.debug('Queueable Class Constructor invoked....');
	    system.debug('Constructor Input "request": ' + request.toString());
        req = request;
        system.debug('Instance Var "req": ' + req.toString());
	  public void execute(QueueableContext context){
	    system.debug('CalloutLogger.execute invoked...');
	    system.debug('httpRequest.toString() : ' + req.toString());

Here's a demo Class that enqueues the job

    public class DemoCallout {
        public void simulatedCallout(){
        //setup HttpRequest
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        //Examine operations....
        system.debug('HttpRequest.toString() : ' + req.toString());
        CalloutLogger logger = new CalloutLogger(req);
        system.debug('logger var: ' + logger.req);
        ID jobID = System.enqueueJob(logger);
        system.debug('Enqueued Job with Id: ' + jobID);

And here's a bit of anonymous Apex that kicks it all off..

    DemoCallout demo = new DemoCallout();

The anonymous Apex is successful with a debug log like this...
[![enter image description here][2]][2]

But the debug log for the Queuable Class give a null reference error for the HttpRequest object variable "req"...

[![enter image description here][3]][3]

Any suggestions? Is it even possible to pass an HttpRequest object to a Queuable Class (I'm going to want to pass the HttpResponse in too eventually!)
