1. If you have power users that are determined enough they might still be able to navigate to the  template by shortening the URL from 




    (no idea if it'd give them "insufficient privileges").

2. The behaviour described in your "Update 1" sounds to me like some kind of security flaw that SF might decide to fix in future. I'm not sure I'd count on something like this in a production-ready functionality. Maybe simply raise a Case with support whether it's intended behaviour?

3. If it's acceptable to just fire the email as is (without user being able to preview & modify the body) maybe you can experiment with adding `&save=1` to the URL. Still - a determined user might inspect the source of the button and learn the template id.

4. You could also consider a "do it yourself" solution with a bit of Apex? Both single and mass email objects have [`setTemplateid()`][1] method you could use. You can query the `EmailTemplate` object for IDs.

  [1]: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/apexcode/Content/apex_classes_email_outbound_base.htm