I would like to send an email with 3 different coupon codes inside. 
I already have an if statement in the amp script that takes them based on the language code, but as it is the voucher code is displayed identical 3 times. 

Is there an additional if condition or an iteration (similar to the "LookupOrderRows") that allows me to take different rows of the coupon DE?

My current ampscript is the following: 

IF @lang == 'DE' THEN
SET @coupon = CLAIMROWVALUE("DE_name","vouchercode","IsClaimed","KeinCode","Id",@id)
ELSEIF @lang == 'EN' THEN 
SET @coupon = CLAIMROWVALUE("DE_name","vouchercode","IsClaimed","NoCode","Id",@id)
ELSEIF @lang == 'FR' THEN
SET @coupon = CLAIMROWVALUE("DE_name","vouchercode","IsClaimed","PasDeCode","Id",@id)
ELSEIF @lang == 'NL' THEN
SET @coupon = CLAIMROWVALUE("DE_name","vouchercode","IsClaimed","GeenCode","Id",@id)
ELSEIF @lang == 'IT' THEN
SET @coupon = CLAIMROWVALUE("DE_name","vouchercode","IsClaimed","NessunCodice","Id",@id)