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Separate repository for Swift Package Manager users

Currently, in order to resolve MerketingCloudSDK dependency using Swift Package manager, we have to download the whole repository and the size is around 1.5-2 Gigabytes, which is huge and drastically ...
Denis Kurochkin's user avatar
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Couldn't install 'marketingcloudsdk-ios' 8.1.0 with exact version?

This error is appears to me "Showing Recent Issues Failed to resolve dependencies Dependencies could not be resolved because no versions of 'marketingcloudsdk-ios' match the requirement 8.1.0 and ...
Kirollos Saweres's user avatar
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Where is the updated documentation for SPM integration>?

In release notes for version 8.1.0 I see this statement: MarketingCloudSDK Integration via SPM – Integration via Swift Package Manager (SPM) now automatically includes SFMCSDK, simplifying ...
alujan's user avatar
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MarketingCloudSDK Crashes SwiftUI App in Beta TestFlight: _dispatch_once

We've implemented Push Notifications through SalesForce Marketing Cloud and after some beta testing with internal testers it seems the SFMCSDK is causing our app to Crash intermittently due to "...
Michael Reinders's user avatar
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Missing file from sfmc-sdk-ios - Hardcoded path to all-product-headers.yaml

When trying to debug our application via LLDB, when I try and print out a variable using po object, it reports an error saying that it can't find all-product-headers.yaml. Here's the specific error: ...
Chris B's user avatar
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Could not build module 'SFMCSDK' & module 'MarketingCloudSDK'

it's Ian, an iOS dev. My client wants to migrate the push notifications campaigns management of their iOS and Android apps to Salesforce. I'm facing compile issues after adding the marketing libraries ...
Ian Magarzo's user avatar
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SFMCSDK breaking Xcode previews in Xcode 14

We are using the marketing cloud SDK (through SPM) configured as mentioned in When using Xcode ...
fespinozacast's user avatar
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Getting error while building in xcode error: non-portable path to file

After migrating to SFMCSDK to v8 everything seem to work fine. But now I get the following error when building the project: <module-includes>:2:9: error: non-portable path to file '"Headers/...
mschropp's user avatar
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MarketingCloudSDK iOS 8.0.2 - Unable to upload to App Store Connect

I have an iOS app that uses the MarketingCloudSDK. I have updated to SDK to the latest version (8.0.2), removing the pod from Podfile and adding both SFMCSDK and MarketingCloudSDK through Swift ...
jacobowl's user avatar
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How to support iOS 13 with Xcode 10.2.1?

thanks for your new SDK update (v6.3.5)! Our app is unfortunately not yet supporting Xcode 11. When I attempt building with SFMC 6.3.5, I get this error ":-1: Undefined symbol: ...
Harry's user avatar
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App crashes in simulator on configureSDKWithAppID in Xcode 8 [closed]

I recently upgraded to Xcode 8, and the app crashes on the configureSDKWithAppID in the simulator with any of the 9.3 or 8.4 iOS versions. I'm using JB4ASDK 4.5.0. It dumps me in the debugger with ...
zerodiff's user avatar
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Enable bitcode for libJB4ASDK-*.a static library

We are using JB4A-SDK as 4.1.0 now, and just found out that the static library file: libJB4ASDK-4.1.0.a is not using bitcode. Since our whole project and other 3rd party dependencies are using ...
yangt's user avatar
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3 votes
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Unable to change setting in iOS 8

I have developed my application using mobilesdk 2.2. Everything was working fine before I have upgraded my xCode to 6.0. After upgrade when I change my app setting environment to 'sandbox' or 'custom ...
Manish Kumar's user avatar
7 votes
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linker error in xcode on sample hybrid project build

I've tried building 2 of the sample projects into xcode generated via 'forceios create samples'. They both have 5 errors when I try to build the project. Here's an example of one: Apple Mach-O ...
Phil B's user avatar
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