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Questions tagged [vscode-dx]

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Java with VS Code

Getting below error Running java command C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\bin\java -XshowSettings:properties -version failed with error: spawn C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\bin\...
Prashant Ugale's user avatar
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Salesforce for Vlocode not connecting to a Salesforce Org in VS Code

I am trying to connect a Salesforce org to Vlocode to work/deploy Vlocity components via vs code. But whenever I try to connect to a Salesforce Org, it shows up the below error [SalesforceConnection] [...
C. Praveenkumar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Deploy entire Customizations, Flow, Apex etc from a Developer Edition org to a new Production org

We have been doing configurations, development, and automations in a Salesforce developer edition org independent of a production instance(not a sandbox). We have now just acquired a new production ...
Kele Saunders's user avatar
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Can't Access anything in VSCode for my org after Authenticating

I'm setting up VScode for salesforce to change my .js-meta.xml file. After starting a project with manifest and authorizing my org I still can't see anything. I'm trying to access a already-made LWC ...
Ben Shaener's user avatar
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Assert not available in VSCODE

The Assert class does not appear to be available in VSCODE with extensions installed. While I can still use the class and its methods with no errors on Push , the editor complains about it and there ...
Ricardo da Silva's user avatar
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VS-Code SOQL Builder Text Editing Mode Dissappeared

There was a button that provides switching between builder mode and text editing mode of SOQL Builder. It has dissapeared somehow and I couldn't find the possible reason or any solution. Is there any ...
pt_5858's user avatar
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2 answers

ERROR running auth:sfdxurl:store: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')

How to Replicate: Running this command sfdx auth:sfdxurl:store -f ./SFDX_TMP_URL.txt -s -a integration to authenticate via sfdxAuthUrl. SFDX_TMP_URL.txt contains the sfdxAuthUrl value. Error: After ...
chanpelayo's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Creating Scratch Org results in error

Created a scratch org in VSCode. Trying to push source to default scratch org results in the following errors: The global picklist cannot be resolved Global value set cannot be resolved In field: ...
Imtiyaz's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code choosing a default Org

How do I choose a default org to connect to? I see a few but no option to choose which one? Thank you
Hulk Buster's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Should the .sfdx or any of its sub-folder and/or files be added to the .gitignore?

I'm not sure if the .sfdx folder needs to be tracked by the version control and be pushed to the repo? Can someone please give me some more insight into this folder and its content or even a reference ...
Bahman.A's user avatar
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