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Record Triggered flow not updating the related Opportunity field correctly

Here is the scenario: I have a record triggered flow on Opportunity Product (OpportunityLineItem) object insert & update. When OPL(OpportunityLineitem) is inserted or updated of a particular ...
SFDC IN's user avatar
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Dynamic record choice set [closed]

My problem is this: I'm using a collection variable to populate a count-variable, which in turn determines an outcome in a decision. If the collection variable has count greater than 1, i want the ...
Hans Christian Milman's user avatar
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Can we query child to parent record fields in a Lightning Flow in getRecordS

I have requirement to get all contacts where account name is a particular value. How can i do it in GetRecord in Lightning Flow?
Sourav Nandy's user avatar
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Is it possible to return a value from a Lightning Component to a flow?

I have a screen flow that calls a Lightning Component (Lead Search). The component allows a user to filter for certain records (opportunities, accounts, and leads). The controller APEX class returns ...
Olivia's user avatar
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Showing Contacts of Accounts using lightning flow and lightning component

I am building a lightning flow to display a list of contacts related an account using lightning flow. My issue is that I am using lightning select aura component to show the contact related to the ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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How to call flow in lightning component

I need to run/call a flow in lightning component.i am getting the below error message : Uncaught Error in $A.getCallback() [[object Object]] Callback failed: serviceComponent://ui.interaction.runtime....
velu's user avatar
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Adding Visual WorkFlows in Lightning Page

I am trying to add flow in lightning page using the lightning app builder. I have gone through Winter 17 Release Notes and found that we can do it. To add more information, I am using the winter 17 ...
Krishna Bidwai's user avatar