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Check if user has a custom permission group assigned in Salesforce Flow

I have a flow on the Salesforce Case object, and I want to assign the case record to a queue based on the following conditions: If the user's assigned permission set group contains 'x' in the name, ...
Satyam 's user avatar
-1 votes
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AURA component with implements="lightning:availableForFlowScreens" not showing up on flow screens

I have an aura component that has implements="lightning:availableForFlowScreens", but won't show up in the flow builder, other AURA components show up, but not this new one. Here is my AURA ...
Travis's user avatar
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How to default the value of a conditionally rendered checkbox in a screen in a flow to false?

I have a flow where there are four checkboxes in a screen but one of them is conditionally rendered. That checkbox has its "Default Value" set to {!$GlobalConstant.False}, but that ...
Keith C's user avatar
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Account Currency field in Screen Flow only rendering as text field, how to show picklist options?

I am currently working with a multi-currency Salesforce org and have been trying to add the "Account Currency" field on a Screen Flow. However, the field only renders as a text field and ...
Jack Sparrow's user avatar
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Facing issue while creating a dependency flow

requirement : if my picklist and subpicklist has values and my flow is dependent on checkboxes to trigger email alerts let say picklist : value1 subPicklist: Value1 checkbox1 : true checkbox2: true ...
rizu's user avatar
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Does Fast Update Flow consume a SOQL when we use the dot-notation to populate fields?

My question is, I have a Record-triggered fast flow on Opportunity. This is essentially a before-insert trigger context logic. Now in my flow, I am using the provided traversal from Opportunity to ...
Apex Srinivas's user avatar
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Screen inside Loop in Salesforce Lightning Flow

I'm trying to create a survey form using screen flow and for that I'm fetching the Question records from Question custom object and trying to show Questions as text along with their options as radio ...
kunal's user avatar
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Automation regarding Flow Tests

Flow tests are not enforced and neither is coverage. As functionality across the org is migrated to flows, what is the best way to build automation around Flow tests. How do we ensure quality across ...
Strong Like Bull's user avatar
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Why is the error "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'setProperty')" occurring in my LWC FSC when using section components on flow screen?

I'm building a LWC to be used as a flow screen component. In the LWC, I allow the border color of the component to be customised using a custom property. To set the color of the element, I'm using ...
Garywoo's user avatar
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Decision is not being evaluated in Flow resulting it in passing every time

I am new to flows and have a record triggered flow whereby when a ServiceAppointment Record is updated or created that it sends the record ID to an Apex action. This works just fine. I have to modify ...
Strong Like Bull's user avatar
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Access Custom Permission on a related User in Flow

Let's say I have a Custom Permission Can_Do_the_Thing, which I've assigned to Users with a Permission Set. Within Flow, I know that I can check if the running user has the Custom Permission using {!$...
nai888's user avatar
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How to set the requestBody parameter as an input variable for a flow tied to external services?

I am exploring options of moving from code based apex to 'flows' using 'external services'. The service basically takes 3 parameters: SSN, account number and VIN (optional) and gives back a boolean ...
Anil Shivaraj's user avatar
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Autopopulation of Related fields

I have a requirement where I need to autopopulate a few fields when a user clicks the button and creates a record from a lightning page. The button will be on service contract and when a user clicks ...
user107526's user avatar
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Flow onstatuschange not running on FINISH

I have a screen flow that has a sub flow. On the subflow I have an Aura component that has the following line. <lightning:flow aura:id="flowData" onstatuschange="{!c.statusChange}&...
Travis's user avatar
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Screen Flow Variables are not updating when re-visiting the Screen

I have a screen flow with 2 screens, on screen 2 based on the value provided in Screen 1 I am defining a formula variable and using it as a default value in Screen 2 text field, this is working well ...
Rajasekhar's user avatar
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FSL Mobile Flow How to Get Content Document ID

Im trying to get Content Document ID in FSL Mobile flow. But there is limitation about this, like the documentation says below. When uploading images in flows, the content document IDs parameter isn’t ...
Fikri Hailal's user avatar
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subflow is not getting the value from flow

When Flow 1 invokes apex action(AddString.mainMethod), The concatenated string 'finalString' is showing the results in Flow 1 from both the methods stringSet1 & stringSet2. Assigned the same value(...
indrasen neelam's user avatar
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Issue with Loop and display of list Using Salesforce flow

I have the below salesforce flow: What the flow is trying to do: On the first screen get the Account name and account number If Acc number = 1 then assign acc values to a record variable ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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Flow "Refresh inputs to incorporate changes elsewhere in the flow" problem going back to the first element

I have several LWCs linked in a flow where each flow element is configured like this to share the current state of a Contact record: i.e.: "Manually assign variables" is checked "...
Keith C's user avatar
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Time-to-Text conversion in Flows

I use the "Get Records" element to retrieve an object and select "Choose fields and let Salesforce do the rest" to save a field of type Time on this record. (I've tried "...
Felix van Hove's user avatar
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Record Triggered flow not updating the related Opportunity field correctly

Here is the scenario: I have a record triggered flow on Opportunity Product (OpportunityLineItem) object insert & update. When OPL(OpportunityLineitem) is inserted or updated of a particular ...
SFDC IN's user avatar
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get ID of Create Records element in Flow?

I have a Create Records element in flow. I need the ID of the record created in this element, but I can't see anything like 'Store Id'. Is it possible?
CPS's user avatar
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SalesForce Action Button Not Passing Variables?

I've created a flow to clone Quote and related Quote Line Items (using this as a loose guide). I'm working in a sandbox environment. When I run 'Debug' in the Flow builder, the flow executes as ...
Alexis Frisch's user avatar
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Trigger an Auto launch flow when a record is deleted

I want to trigger an auto launch flow when any record is deleted. It works fine when a record is edited and created which is invoked from the process builder. My auto launch contains a pause element ...
Sarabjeet Singh's user avatar
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Avoid bulkification in flow

I update/create (upsert via sf-dataloader) each day the data of our contracts. These contracts (customobject EZR) contain the lastname, surname, birthdate etc... I create an ID with this data (sample ...
Rag21's user avatar
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Background: Screen Flow Revisited Screen Values

Background: Screen Flow Revisited Screen Values Screen 1: Inputs (Look up field) Get Records→ Assign Variables→ Screen 2: Displays default values from the assigned variables I select "Previous&...
J B's user avatar
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Split the values by a comma and pass it to a collection variable

I have a screen element where I input the opportunity Ids split by comma. I am wondering if there is a way to split the values by comma and add it to a collection variable so that I can loop through ...
Krishnamurthy's user avatar
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Scheduled Flow Not Running for All Records

I am hoping someone can help me with Schedule-Triggered Flows (STF). I have created a STF that gets all leads matching a specific criteria. The flow then checks the record type of the lead. If (Record ...
Kev Cadger's user avatar
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Picklist Choice Set - Fields does not appear for New Object

I created a new Object and new fields. I am building a Screen flow. I am trying to create a Picklist Choice Set type resource.
SfdcBat's user avatar
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Why Apexaction flow setoutput variable not showing from apex class

I Want to set output values in flow from apex action. Below mentioned im getting oppId as input values from apex class. public class flowinputs{ @invocableVariable public String oppId; ...
Afrose ahamed's user avatar
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Selected Picklist value not getting assigned to Variable in Flow

I have a picklist field in flow, but on selecting any value in the picklist, it’s not assigning value to a variable. How can I get the selected value in a variable? Picklist in Flow: Debug Value in ...
sfdc's user avatar
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How to call other Flows from a Record-Triggered Flow?

I'm working to put some best practices together for our team for developing flows, specifically taking advantage of the new record-trigger feature found in the Winter '21 release. One of the best ...
Swisher Sweet's user avatar
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how to add radio buttons in flows

I am new to flows i just want to create radio button in screen element Rating // WHERE RATING is my label AND 1 to 5 values are my custom values 1 2 3 4 5 help me out Thanks in advance
Shivani Tanwar's user avatar
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Check if text field is empty in flow builder

I have a requirement to override the default validation message shown in Flow-Builder for required form fields (text fields to be specific) that are left empty by the user. I'm trying to achieve this ...
MrCSharp's user avatar
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How to use display image in Salesforce flow?

I could not figure it out. How can we display image in the screen flow?
Nathan's user avatar
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How to add more fields in flow without errors?

I used this link( to create or update contacts. I finished everything and it does create contacts....
Nathan's user avatar
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Dynamic record choice set [closed]

My problem is this: I'm using a collection variable to populate a count-variable, which in turn determines an outcome in a decision. If the collection variable has count greater than 1, i want the ...
Hans Christian Milman's user avatar
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How to use the number returned by a formula like the 'i' variable in my loop in the Flow Builder?

In the Opportunity object there are two custom fields called 'start_date__c' and 'stop_date__c' I have a requirement where I need to create a flow that executes when the the Opportunity stage is ...
Nacho Zve De La Torre's user avatar
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Flow Logic to Search/Loop Down Tree of Children Accounts

I want to thank anyone in advance for anything they can contribute to this issue I've run into. My goal is to dispatch email's when an Opportunity stage changes. The email's need to dispatch to the ...
Michael Stallings's user avatar
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Handling errors in the Flows

I have a simple flow which just updates the record. But when updating the record, if it fails the users were getting an unhandled error exception. Like below: An unhandled fault has occurred in this ...
user81642's user avatar
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Flow not updating new record field values although debug says assignment fields have values

I have a simple flow that gets the leads and updates them with borrower and applicant values from Applicant object. As per debug logs, the Flow value assignment is successful and values are populated. ...
Jefferson Fernandez's user avatar
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Flow Trigger Framework

We have various Apex trigger framework resource available. It's great. Now Salesforce launches trigger capabilities within beloved Lightning flows. If somebody has to migrate his/her Apex trigger to ...
sanket kumar's user avatar
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Screen Flow Time Component

Is there a time only input component for screen flows? I could only find a Date and Date & Time components. Is there a way to add to a Flow screen an input field with only time selection?
Enry's user avatar
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How to add a decision element for a file upload in a FLOW to check whether the file was uploaded successfully

I am trying to display a finish screen after a file upload which should be displayed only if the file upload was a success, so need to add a decision element.I tried using a text collection variable ...
Whizkey's user avatar
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Lead Lookup in a simple Screen Flow

I'm totally new to Flows. I'm trying to design a simple screen flow, that allows me to select a Lead and then delete it, along with associated Custom Object records in one go. As of now, I need to ...
miCRoSCoPiC_eaRthLinG's user avatar
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Property 'storeOutputAutomatically' not valid in version 48.0

I am trying to deploy a flow to a sandbox and I am getting the error Property 'storeOutputAutomatically' not valid in version 48.0 The sourceApiVersion specified in my sfdx-project.json file is 48.0....
Delphine's user avatar
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Process builder and flow resulting in recursion

Currently, in the process builder if you create a process and invoke a flow that will update multiple records for the same object, the process is again triggered for the records it updates, since the ...
Zoba's user avatar
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Is it possible to divide records processed in Flows in multiple batches

I have a flow that creates Opportunity records, we receive CPU time limit if we have too many records. The flow is already bulkified. The solution I'm thinking is placing a pause logic based on ...
sfdc's user avatar
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Flows metadata that Bypass User Permissions (SFDX)

In Summer 20, we have a possibility of define a "Run mode" of a Visual Flow, to run avoiding user permission, as we can see on this link: Run Flows That Bypass User Permissions. But when you ...
Átila Castro Alves's user avatar
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List View Button to Launch Salesforce Flow?

I need to create a custom List view button that launches a Flow to update records. Is it possible to distribute a Flow via Custom List View button?
Katie Zinman's user avatar