Questions tagged [version-control]

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11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Team Foundation Server as source control for Salesforce Project?

Does anybody has experience on using Team Foundation Server as source control for Salesforce project? We are currently using Git but management wants to start using TFS as source control going ...
richard's user avatar
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merge tool for salesforce profiles - can it be done?

I am implementing git for our salesforce team. I've got some slick python scripts that retrieve/deploy to the cloud and it's all good except for a few situations which are pretty painful. I hope ...
Todd's user avatar
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What version of salesforce for outlook are my users on?

We have people that have had some issues with Salesforce for outlook--and usually it's because they're using an outdated version of it. Newer versions tend to alert the user that an update is ...
Shane McLaughlin's user avatar
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How do you handle changes to xml files across different feature branches?

We have different teams all working in the same Salesforce instance. While these teams usually have their own permission sets/objects/whatever that they work in, there are times when we find ourselves ...
leed38's user avatar
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salesforce deployment from Git with Docker cloud

I need way to deploy code from Git to salesforce using Docker Cloud or Docker. I needed senior's suggestions and sources on deployment from Git to to salesforce especially with docker and i found way ...
SFDC_Igle's user avatar
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Script to bulk git-add changes to permissionsets/profiles

I use git for revision control of my Salesforce metadata. I often make minor changes (adding or removing a class, field, etc) that have massive repercussions on all PermissionSet and Profile metadata ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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Integrated Version Control planned release

I came to know from a post that Integrated Version Control feature is going to be released into pilot in Winter or Spring '15 but there is no clue in summer '15 release either. There is a idea ...
Ashvin Bhatt's user avatar
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Apex class will NOT save locally

I am fairly new to SF development, and I have a SF sandbox and am using Eclipse along with Subclipse and SVN to manage it. I created a new test class under classes, and added it to SVN. It shows up ...
mitchmcc's user avatar
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Does anyone know how to use Beanstalk as version control with Salesforce?

We are using Beanstalk for our WordPress application developments. So we like to have all our business applications including Salesforce customization and codes together in one place. Is it possible ...
user1761980's user avatar
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handle defect resolution after deploy codes into UAT

Our team has just started using source control to manage the source code, we have multiple scrum teams which work in various projects. Current environment setup is one shared development sandbox, one ...
R.Spark's user avatar
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merging profiles from different branches/orgs

would appreciate some suggestions on this problem I'm having. Essentially it has to do with making a change to a profile, say a field permission and then propagating that through the other ...
Tom's user avatar
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