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Questions tagged [validation-rule]

Validation rules verify record data meets the standards you specify before the record can be saved.

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Can you automatically retry a trigger if record validation fails without user intervention?

We have a custom field with the Unique Id attribute. This field represents a randomly generated string that is used as a publicly facing identifier. This public id field is randomly generated and ...
kennyc's user avatar
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Validation rule for Multi picklist

I have a requirement where if a value "Others" from a Multi picklist is selected, "please explain others" text box should be used, if any other value from Multi picklist is ...
H M's user avatar
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Validation rule to prevent editing a record [duplicate]

I'm new to validation rules and I'm trying to write one for a custom object that looks at a field called Status and once the picklist value is changed to "Complete", then no one can edit any ...
DUser's user avatar
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Validation Rule for locking specific fields

I am looking to create a validation rule that if the checkbox "verified" ( Verified__c ) is checked then it locks these three fields, Legal_Entity_Name__c , ...
Brooklyn Jean's user avatar
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I need to exclude one profile from a validation rule

Lead Source a mandatory field and the validation rule on conversion means it has to be completed. this is true for all our users with the exception of 1 user profile. How can I exclude them from this ...
Pam's user avatar
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dependent text field validation issue

I'm writing a validation rule for dependent text field. If user has selected "Other" option then must fill text field. ---> done like below But if any value choosen except "Other&...
Basha's user avatar
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Why insert is rolled back when validation triggered in bulk update

I have list of 2 records i try to update in bulk from object foo__c, this should trigger an insert of 2 records from the object zoo__c. One of the updated foo records hits a validation rule (as ...
Michael Imas's user avatar
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Contacts can only be linked to Accounts with ownership set to private

I have a requirement in a salesforce project. Contacts can only be linked with an account that has Ownership field set to private. I simply did a validation rule on Contact : NOT(ISPICKVAL(Account....
Mazigh's user avatar
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Apex is throwing error but LWC is not catching and displaying the correct Toast message

I have created a validation rule on Order Product Object, it is working as expected on the record page. While making changes from LWC, error message is not shown, instead a success message is showing ...
Shashwat Chaturvedi's user avatar
-2 votes
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Validation rule with Regex

I am creating a validation rule using regex , can someone help here. If the company picklist value is 'Electrical', then only Account Number can have hyphen. for other company picklist values , hyphen ...
Salesforce Enthusiast's user avatar
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Validation Rule for specific text values

I have a requirement to create a validation rule on a text field where the values must be capitalized, and restricted to specific values. I realize that converting this field to a picklist is the ...
Drew's user avatar
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Validation Rule on case object

Could you please correct me this validation rule AND( OR( RecordType.DeveloperName = 'RMA', RecordType.DeveloperName = 'Device_Swap' ), NOT(ISBLANK(...
Daya Gowda's user avatar
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Throw Validation On Quote - Deal duration(Between Start date and Endate) can't be less than 1 year (or 12 months)

I want to throw Validation on Quote whenever user enters start date and end date, they should get an error if the deal duration is less than 1 year E.g. :- Start Date is 14/9/2022 and End date is 13/9/...
sonam's user avatar
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Flow on Task to trigger validation rule

I have a validation rule on the Task object which simply points to a checkbox field, if true then error. I am using a fast field update flow with some simple logic that, according to the debugger, ...
JaredT's user avatar
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Validation rule to prevent field change

I have trouble with this validation rule on Account. It should allow changes on MainBrand__c only if MainBrand__pr.WebsiteRelevant__c = true and RegistrationDoubleOptin__c = true. I tried this but not ...
Ивелина Иванова's user avatar
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Validation rule not displaying error message

I have an Opportunity which has Type = ZMS - Budget Increase and Offerings = ZMS. If those conditions are met, then I won't be able to modify couple of fields -> offerings cannot be modified either....
LauraB's user avatar
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Problem with a validation rule in Order Item

Hey everyone I'm kind of a newbie in my journey in salesforce. And I'm kind of struggling with this one validation rule I'm trying to write. Now the thing is in Order Item there is the product code ...
dukefb's user avatar
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Trouble with context when updating a validation rule

I have an existing Validation rule on the Case that someone assisted me with earlier because it wasn't firing. Now that it's firing accurately, there is additional criteria I need to add to it but I'm ...
user7417's user avatar
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Help with a Validation Rule firing

I need to stop all users from updating a Case record that has a current Status = Request Approved, UNLESS all the following is met: The running user has a Profile = HelpDesk User OR System ...
user7417's user avatar
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Salesforce validation Formula error Validation Invalid (null)

I have crated the following formula AND( ISPICKVAL(Lived_Since__c, "- 0-24 months"), ISBLANK(Previous_Address__c) ) for the scenario if the lived since field has a value of - 0-24 ...
shanjay's user avatar
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Bypass lookup filter

I have a lookup filter which I want to bypass as a system administrator when doing i.e. data imports. I found possible solutions but they dont seem to be working. Added a second filter condition OR ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Validation Rule - Restrict update to Profile if Profile = System Administrator

I'm trying to create a validation rule that prevents users with the "Application Administrator" profile from updating any fields for "System Administrator" users on the User object....
Jeff Doe's user avatar
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Make a field mandatory with validation rules

Trying to create a validation rule on the Case object in Salesforce. The rule should make the 'TechnicalAssistance__c' field mandatory based on the selected value in the 'EnviarEmailParaAssistencia__c'...
Rafael Guedes's user avatar
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Seeking Guidance: Email Validation Error Handling for Specific Scenarios for field in account object

I'm facing an email validation challenge for my project. I want to throw an error if any of the following scenarios are met: The email has numbers at the end, like '[email protected]'. The email ...
HSD's user avatar
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Validation Rule Question - Required Fields

Hoping someone can help me figure out my validation rule. I'm pretty new to writing code so any help is appreciated. I want my rule to state: If the picklist value is soft closed or closed then to ...
Pam's user avatar
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Restrict update to a field

If a particular user updates the field only that specific user can edit the field further. Any restriction shouldn't be there for the initial population of data. How can I use the validation rule here,...
Ragi KR's user avatar
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Locking A Record for users with Standard User Profile when the Status field on Campaigns is Equal to Completed

I have a group of users with the same profile (standard user) and I need to lock records from editing that they own when the Campaign status field equals Completed. However, they need to be able to ...
Ron's user avatar
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Is it possible to use an object field as part of regex rule?

Let's say I'm looking to use the state abbreviation as part of a validation rule, for example, California: CA-1111. I'm trying the following logic but it's not returning the desired output. NOT(REGEX(...
BB0202's user avatar
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Validation Rule to only Fire when Stage ISCHANGED

I have a validation rule that I only want to fire if the stage is changed. So if the opportunity is already in that stage I don't want the rule to fire if I change other values in the opp. I've used ...
Kate Colson's user avatar
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Validation rule on phone number field

When I make a validation rule on phone number field that the phone number field should only contains number and only 10 digits allowed, but when making new records the phone number field is required, ...
Purnendu's user avatar
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How to restrict some 3 digit company codes from a text field under Company

we currently have a 'Company Short Name' field under our Company object, and in this field the sales team put a 3 letter abbreviation of the company name. I would like to stop certain 3 letters being ...
Mike's user avatar
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ISO Case Validation Rule where Status = X, (A cannot be blank), and (either B or C cannot be blank)

I've tried several iterations of formulas, but can't get the last section to work. It is intended that the Validation would fire when trying to change to the specific status, if the criteria were met. ...
Christin Head's user avatar
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Approach to know the record belongs to specific record types (Apex,Flows,Validation rules)

We have around 50 record types on case. Soon we are going to merge our code with another instance where 20 more record types are present. What will be the best approach to run my apex code, validation ...
Sukruti's user avatar
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Restrict users from changing Opportunity Stage thorugh UI

I have a task to prevent users from changing the Opportunity Stage manually, except for a subset of users which do not share the same profile. I created a custom permission and a new permission set ...
Gabriel Gonzalez's user avatar
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Nested OR function in validation

We're trying to add another validation to require either ISBLANK(Commission_Percentage__c) OR ISBLANK(Commission_Amount__c), since they only have to complete one of these fields in addition to the ...
Jessica Kaiser's user avatar
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Regular expression for specific email address format in a validation rule

I have a regular expression which requires emails to be in [email protected] format. I want to tweak to be [email protected] OR [email protected] where 'i' would be ...
Aron Schor's user avatar
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Salesforce Opportunities Object - Validation Rules - Make checkboxes mandatory to progress stage

This is my first time posting on the stack exchange so apologies if any key information is missing from my question. I am trying to create a validation rule to make certain checkbox fields in the ...
Ross S's user avatar
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Unable to get Validation Rule to work

I am trying to create a validation rule in Salesforce that prevents a host Opportunity Record (ID-0125G000000GWLlQAO) Type from moving to a closed won stage (8. Deal Won) without the "Number of ...
Brenda Edwards's user avatar
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Setting Field Validation for Date Field Typo

I have a field validation for close date on the opportunity object. The goal is that the date cannot be over 4 years ago. This date field is part of flow, and I noticed that when I did the date ...
Jasmine G's user avatar
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Validation rule to prevent more than a certain number of one character in a text field

Is it possible to include in a validation rule for a text field to only allow X amount of commas? I am trying to limit the amount of emails that are currently seperated by a comma.
needhelpplease's user avatar
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Validation rule not working for Decimal values

I've created Validation rule for Sales Price should be greater than market price on opportunity line item. But it seems this validation rule is not working for decimal values. Below is simple ...
whoisnilu's user avatar
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How to Write a Data Validation Formula for an Active field needing a start date but no end date

My instructions have three conditions (only one of them is stumping me "no end date"): if a field status is "active", you must have a start date and no end date if it is "...
Jasmine G's user avatar
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Compare a multi-select picklist with another picklist in a Validation Rule

There is a picklist field on account as OKOCE_Country__c and on user object we have QIDC__OK_Available_Countries_ims__c multiplist field. I want a validation rule to check is ...
Saachi's user avatar
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Validation Rule. Change ownership only if the user is the owner or the owner is "x" user

I created a Validation Rule to prevent a user to change the record's ownership when is not the owner: $User.Id <> PriorValue(OwnerId) && ISCHANGED( OwnerId ) It worked. But I also need ...
Juan Emilio Denaro's user avatar
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DOB Validation rule

I am new to validation rules and could use some help. I have a date field for users to fill out for their date of birth. This field requires them to use the "calendar" and many are not ...
Shannon Rockmore's user avatar
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Is this validation rule written as the logic I'm trying to follow?

AND( Ready_for_Booking__c, OR( NOT(ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Purchasing")), NOT(ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed Won")), NOT(ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Closed ...
Arturo Corona de la Cruz's user avatar
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Validation rule to restrict picklist but still allow others to edit the record

I have a validation rule that restricts a picklist value so that only two users can select it. This is working well but the problem we're facing is that now no one, except those two users, can edit ...
Rocio's user avatar
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Validation Rule on Case checking user's profile

I need to change picklist default value in the status of an external insurance case to "under review" if the users creating the record are Angelita, Caio or Ivan (Profile: External Insurance)...
Marcelo Henrique Pereira Gomes's user avatar
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How do I write a validation rule for a Date/Time field that only allows choosing M-F and 8am-5PM

I have tried using the formula below: NOT( AND( WEEKDAY(DATEVALUE(Date_Time_Test__c)) >= 2, WEEKDAY(DATEVALUE(Date_Time_Test__c)) <= 6, HOUR(TIMEVALUE(Date_Time_Test__c)) >= 6, ...
nprevallet's user avatar
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Regex for Aadhar card is throwing an error

used this for validating Aadhar card NOT(REGEX(Aadhar_Number__c , "[0-9]{12}")) and I'm getting this error Incorrect argument type for function 'REGEX()'.
Himabindu Jayanty's user avatar

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