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String in Apex class is not pulling in data from formula field to push data to external form

I have a button that was created to allow a user to schedule an appointment with a lead. The button goes to an external schedular and should pull in the details of the lead (name, email, and phone) ...
twolfe's user avatar
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0 answers

How do you create a List Button for Related Records with Default Values found in a related opportunity?

I am tasked with creating a list button on the Account object for the related opportunities list. The record that needs to be created needs to have other default values that are found in one of the ...
JEbert's user avatar
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When using /sfc/servlet.shepherd/document/download/ <ContentDocument IDs> , can we rename the zip folder document?

I have used the Custom button (/sfc/servlet.shepherd/document/download/ ) to download all the files realed to an object. The Zip folder always has a name “downloaded-content”. So I need to change this ...
Khushi's user avatar
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Return back to Account after saving or cancel

I've a requirement, where I want to edit a task. Task are displaying as a VF Page in Pageblock Table. I've used action="{!URLFOR($Action.Task.edit,} on commandlink. Can anyone please let me ...
wink's user avatar
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Hide sidebar and header iframe url in lightning component

I have a lightning component in which I load an iframe based on recordid. How do I hide the header and sidebar I used the following but this is not working <iframe src="{!'/098/e?parent_id='+v....
Thomas's user avatar
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How to get pagestate rolodexState in unittest with corresponding ids's

I have a button on the contact list pagelayout. The functionality of the button is to select multiple records and pass the ids to a visualforce page to start a flow through url. When creating a ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to redirect to a custom VFP after a Custom Object record is created (Standard way of insert)?

well, pretty much as the title says. I need the user to be redirected to a Custom VFP when a new record of a Custom Object is created, additional to this I need to be able to send the Id to that ...
AjFmO's user avatar
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Standard New Button overwritten with VF to default values in Lead Object not openinig in SF1

We are using Lead Object and 'Company' field in not required for our users to fill . To minimize user effort ,url hacking was used and company is defaulted to 'XYZ'. This works fine in Desktop but ...
AnweshaCloudX's user avatar
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Including "isdtp" URL parameter will make sforce.console.isInConsole() return TRUE

I found this funny "issue" the other day and I want to share it here. It's maybe a good reminder why we shouldn't use "hacks" that Salesforce doesn't support. Let's say you have a Visualforce page ...
smukov's user avatar
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How to only show the friendly URL on a site?

On a site, how do I force the URL Rewriter to always display the friendly URL (eg: /profile/johndoe) instead of the VisualForce Page (eg: /Profile?id=xxxx)? Calling the URLFOR function in ...
Julio's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Pre Populated Values (Date,Text Area) in Lightning by visualforce url [duplicate]

Hi everyone I have visual force page if user click proceed then I have to redirect to order object with some pre-populating values. I used ...
Sankar Ganesh's user avatar
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Url Hack not showing prefilled value on custom Visualforce page with custom object [duplicate]

I Have a simple visualforce page on which ik want to prefill a lookup field with a contactid to create a new record. I used the Id of the customfield Contactpersoon__c and used CF before the lookup ID ...
Jenssen's user avatar
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Locking down URL to prevent tampering on VF page?

I have a link that gets constructed with an event Id and a user Id (who will also be an event relation for that event). That link gets emailed to that user, where they click it and get brought to a ...
Tyler Dahle's user avatar
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I am trying to redirect the VF page based on record type ID by using PageRefernce

VF Page: <apex:page controller="RecordTypeController"> <apex:form> <apex:pageBlock> <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom"> <...
User 7864's user avatar
1 vote
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how to concatenate fields in one field while url hacking

I want to concatenate 3 fields and show in description field of case. I am following below approach but its not working : <apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="myCtrl" id="...
wizard's user avatar
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Invoke contact details page inside service console from outside VF page

I have a third party application calling my VF page with parameters in URL. VF page constructor reads these parameters, perform a search on contact object and show search results. I want to open ...
Sunil's user avatar
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Calling e.force:createRecord from within a visualforce tab in Lightning

Usecase: We have installed a managed package which gives us the ability to redirect to a new page on a button press. In this case, the managed package searches for a list of companies in a register, ...
Ben Naylor's user avatar
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Not able to return visualforce page from custom List button

First of all let me explain why i am doing this.. my client do not want Action column (EDIT/DELETE) in related list so, i developed one visualforce and override it to original page layout.. Here is ...
HSdev's user avatar
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URL hack is not working for Standard Quote Object Using custom button (Visualforce page)

Here i have one issue, i am not able to create new Quote record from custom commandButton which i declared in Visualforce page.. i do not want to predefined Opportunity from Lookup field.. What i ...
Nihar's user avatar
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How to create New custom button of Quote for create New Quote Using URL Hack

I am going to provide one custom button to my visualforce page for create new Quote, Quote is Standard object.. Visualforce page : <apex:commandButton value="Create New Quote" action="/0Q0/e?...
HSdev's user avatar
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6 votes
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Handling "New" child object creation when making a Visualforce page "Lightning Ready"

In Visualforce, it was possible to have a Visualforce parent object page that allowed new child objects to be created through a default layout child edit page with an automatic return back to the ...
Keith C's user avatar
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set the record type of a custom child object [closed]

I created a custom object called Meeting where I have three record types. Each record type is a type of Meeting: Meeting 1, Meeting 2, and Meeting 3. I also created a child object called Event ...
sfdc's user avatar
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Prepopulate Name and lookup field value from related list new button

On a custom object, I've managed to auto populate the custom object's name field to a default value using below custom vf page code: <apex:page standardController="CustomObject__c" recordSetVar="...
sfdc's user avatar
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retURL on Button returns to correct record but is displayed as iframed version Salesforce within Salesforce

I created a button on the Task Object that launches a flow to create a Quote record. I set the button to content source URL and entered the following: https://{instance domain}/flow/{name of flow}?...
Matthew Solomon's user avatar
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Rename the button standard button save

Rename the button standard button save. What is the best way? Is the URL hack? or VF page. For both I need a code.Any ideas?
Mikaella's user avatar
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URLFOR() not preserving retURL through Record Type selection

I'm trying to add an <apex:outputLink /> tag to a VF page and use the URLFOR() function to direct the user to create a new Case. I want it so that when they save or cancel on the new Case ...
dBeltowski's user avatar
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Prepopulate Visualforce InputText - Site

How do you pre-populate an inputText field on a Visualforce page? This is for a site. I understand the controller portion. However, why can I not brute force populate the input field with "...
Steel Reserve 211's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

String Value of ID returns more than ID

I have a visualforce page that I pass a related Event's id to the url to reference. I want to then push it into a field. the resulting UR of the page is for example: /apex/NewTripMeetingEntry?...
jaw999's user avatar
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3 answers

Preload Account ID for New Case Visualforce page

I have custom visualforce page to create a new case and I'd like to have a New Case button on the Acocunt page in the Cases list. Can I hack the url to push the Account Id into the Account field? If ...
jaw999's user avatar
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Pass Record ID from Account to Visualforce Page without Saving Visualforce Page

I want to pass the Record ID to a visualforce page and reference that ID on an outputLink URL to take them back to the account. The User cannot "Save" the visualforce page, so how can I keep the ID? ...
Steel Reserve 211's user avatar
3 votes
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Custom url hack button not working

Could someone please review the following code and explain why this custom button is not working? <apex:page action="{!urlFor('/a0H/e? Name=[autoname] &CF00N3B000000TB2z={!Contact.Name} &...
Jake Schmitz's user avatar
-1 votes
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I want to add custom button in products related list of opportunity? or Add Product URL Hacking

I want to add custom button in related list of product same work like add Product but view product based on my condition. How can I do that? Please let me know. Thanks
Parth Thakkar's user avatar
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Redirecting to salesforce record type selection page from visualforce page

I am overriding the New button of a custom object using a Visualforce page. Now this vf page's controller does some calculation based on a criteria and assigns a record type to the newly created ...
codeinprogress's user avatar
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Prepopulate fields on visualforce page from a button on another VF page

I have two Visualforce Pages, one for Account and another for Opportunity. On the Account page there is a button named New Opportunity. I want to pre-populate some data from Account fields to the ...
Cloud Arch's user avatar
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Setting default URL parameters on view page

Is there a way on an overridden page to specify certain URL parameters? Specifically, I'm looking to set the "rowsperlist" for a related list. This is how I'd like the overridden URL to look for a ...
HungryBeagle's user avatar
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Help with extension to pass parameters to pre-populate fields on new custom object record vf page

I have a Visualforce page for creating a new record (custom object) from account. I also have a controller extension to pass the URL parameters and other values to pre-populate values on the vf page. ...
Michele's user avatar
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Dispensing URL hacks: proper method of pre-populating object fields?

After having a URL hack break on me recently, it made me wonder: what is the SF-approved method of pre-populating fields on an object? Is the expectation that we are supposed to create a VF page to ...
toolshed's user avatar
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Access API/Sobject name from List Button

I have a visualforce page that will be accessed via a List Button. This VF page relates to the case object and the list button will appear on several object UIs (opportunity, account etc) related ...
David Dawson's user avatar
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URL hacking on a VisualForce page

I overrode the new button with a custom VisualForce page but the problem is when I click the new button on the related list (Cases) it use to pre-populate the contact and account names. Now that I ...
Joseph Bauer's user avatar
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hyperlink is embedding unwanted keyword 'Servlet'

We have a below hyperlink formula field. the intent is to display clones as a list in custom object and when we click on cloned id it should bring the detail page for the clones record. HYPERLINK(Id ...
Noor's user avatar
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Prepopulate visualforce picklist and checkbox from URL parameter without custom controller

I am trying to pass a number of parameters to a form using javascript and was successful following the post here: Prefill visualforce inputfield from URL parameter without custom controller However,...
Nichelle's user avatar
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How to build a mobile card URL in Salesforce1?

I'd like to be able to navigate in Salesforce1 directly to a mobile card (a Visualforce page in this case). The layout for the custom object in question is large and it seems like a waste of time to ...
Jagular's user avatar
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URL Hacking to prepopulate custom field in a popup

I have a popup that shows up when a custom button is clicked on a standard Salesforce page. When the button is clicked a Javascript is executed that opens the popup. The Javascript code shows my VF ...
juhi's user avatar
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URL hacking with record type selection and prepopulating values for Grand Parent

Object : Account Field: X Picklist Object : Contact Field : Account__c Lookup Object: Extension Field: Contact__c RecordType - 3 recordTypes available X Picklist suppose account A1 has ...
SFDC_MJ's user avatar
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Prepopulate values

I have custom button on Opportunity.On click of button I need to pre populate values on contract with values from oppty.Once Contract is saved I need to populate Contract lookup on Oppty with the ...
sfdc's user avatar
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Visualforce: Link to open a Activity task in Salesforce 1

I have worked on displaying a google map which displays all contacts related to a campaign on the campaign detail page. On every marker, I have added a button which when clicked opens the "Log a ...
Richard N's user avatar
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Getting ID of the new record and making it a part of the saveURL parameter

I have a button that calls a URL for creating a new record while going through the SF native record type selection screen. Once the new record is created, I want the saveURL to call an apex page, and ...
Kirill Yunussov's user avatar
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Prefill visualforce inputfield from URL parameter without custom controller

Prefilling fields is easy on standard edit pages via an URL parameter, like .../a0B/e?Name=MyNameValue Doing this on a visualforce page does not work without custom controllers, or is there a way? ...
snstulemeijer's user avatar
6 votes
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How can I set a return URL for an edit link in Visualforce?

I have a visualforce page displaying a list of Event objects that need users to update. I have an 'Update link' that takes them to the edit screen for the Event, but upon Save, it brings up the list ...
jaw999's user avatar
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Prepopulate Name field with default value

I have a Publication object. Publications might have a very long names, longer than 80 characters. That is why Name is suppose to be populated from workflow field update, using substring from custom ...
vlr's user avatar
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